Clash of the Nannies (Turf Wars #5) Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Contemporary, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Turf Wars Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 61900 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 310(@200wpm)___ 248(@250wpm)___ 206(@300wpm)

I giggle, and tell them the whole story again, putting them in fits of laughter.

“What are you girls laughin’ about?” Riggs asks, walking over with the guys and sitting down.

They all sit next to their ladies, and Hugh walks over, sitting down beside me on a log by the fire. Ramona winks at me, Eve wiggles her brows, and I look down at my beer because god, could they be more obvious?

“Maggie was telling us how she shaved off all those nannies’ brows.” Poppy laughs. “God, it’s so funny.”

“It was funny,” Hugh pipes up. “Never seen such perfect women in a frenzy like that before, it was the highlight of my entire fuckin’ year.”

I smirk.

“You know what else is a highlight?” Eve grins. “The fact that you two are now both single and you’re still sitting here ...”

“Eve!” I scoff.

“You’re right,” Hugh murmurs. “But don’t panic, I’ll be takin’ Maggie home with me tonight, only this time, she’ll be in my bed.”

Oh my word.

I have nothing.

I open my mouth but only a squeak comes out.

The girls laugh and I close my eyes in horror. God, I must look pathetic.

Hugh leans in, and his mouth brushes over my ear as he murmurs, “Only if that’s alright with you, beautiful?”

Oh god.

I clench my legs together again and turn to look at him, our faces close together, his eyes so intense I want to get on right now just to relieve this god forsaken pressure between my thighs.

“I think I can handle it,” I whisper.

He grins.

Mother of god, I need him.

“I’m going to get another drink,” I say, standing and practically running out of there.

I go into the club and up to the bar, ordering a drink. I’m standing there when a hard form comes up behind me, pressing me into the timber countertop. Hugh’s mouth comes down to my neck and, before I can say anything, one of his hands slips around, hidden by the bar, and slides up my dress and into my panties. He’s so bold. So confident. It’s a fucking turn on.

I bite my lip as his fingers glide through my folds, gently at first, and then he applies a little pressure. I reach forward and put my hands on the bar, gripping it until my fingers turn white as pleasure shoots through me. Hugh just looks like he’s hugging me, one arm wrapped around me, face buried into my neck. The bartender, clearly used to it, doesn’t say a word as he places my glass down in front of me and walks off.

“Hugh,” I whisper.


He rubs, flicking and massaging until I can’t take it anymore. I shudder and bite my lip so hard to smother the moan as an orgasm so delicious washes over my body. Hugh groans into my neck, satisfied with himself, and then he slips his hands from my panties and brings his fingers up to his mouth, slowly sliding them in.

God damn.

This man will be the death of me.

“Just a taste of what you’re goin’ to get tonight when we get home.”


We went from zero to a hundred pretty quickly.

And I like it.

I like it a lot.


Lamps smash, clothes get tossed, mouths frantically smash together as Hugh and I tumble through the house, hands all over each other, kissing frantically, ripping at each other’s clothes as we desperately seek what we’ve been thinking about for so damned long.

Hugh slams my body against the kitchen counter as he pulls my bra off and tosses it to the side. His mouth goes down and finds my nipple, where he sucks it in, flicking the tip with his tongue as he uses his other hand to remove the last of his clothes. When he’s naked, he kicks his jeans to the side and hauls me up until I’m sitting on the counter, fully naked, legs spread apart as he nestles between them.

He doesn’t say a word as his hand lands on my chest and he pushes me backward until my back hits the counter, my legs spread, and he puts his mouth on my pussy. Pleasure is immediate when Hugh is around, and the kind of pleasure I’m feeling right now is out of this word. I scream in ecstasy as he licks my clit, fingers sliding in and out of my pussy, mouth devouring me like I’m his last meal.

It’s safe to say I find my orgasm incredibly quickly.

Hugh pulls away, his eyes feral as he looks down at me, taking my thighs and pulling me to the edge of the counter so he can stand and sink his cock into me. I push up on my elbows and look down at him as he strokes his dick, eyes never leaving mine.

“You protected?” he asks.

“I’m on the pill,” I whisper. “I’m clean.”

“Me too, Delilah made me get checked but I’m always safe.”

