Clash of the Nannies (Turf Wars #5) Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Contemporary, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Turf Wars Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 61900 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 310(@200wpm)___ 248(@250wpm)___ 206(@300wpm)

Then, I pull out my razor. Slowly, I lean over her face and carefully, oh so carefully, run the razor over her eyebrows. She doesn’t stir at all for the first one, for the second she sort of swats at her face and grunts, rolling to her side.

I can’t help but grin as the moonlight reflects on her now terrible looking face. A woman like her without eyebrows would have to be the damned funniest thing I could have ever imagined. I lean down and carefully finish the second one, then, with a grin, I walk out and do the rest.

They’re all passed out, only one of them stirs to the point I can’t finish the job and she’s left with one eyebrow missing instead of two.

Serves them right, I’m tired of them treating me the way they do. When they wake in the morning, they’re going to well and truly understand just who they’re messing with. I’ll take a lot, but I won’t take it for long.

I go back to my room and lie on the bed with a huge smile on my face, but not before locking the door, of course. I’m not going to be sleeping with one eye open, I’ll be locking myself in so those bitches can’t come anywhere near me when they realize what I’ve done.

I fall into a heavenly sleep and am only woken when the sound of shrieking can be heard outside of my room. A grin spreads across my face as I get out of bed, stretch, check on Star, and then poke my head out the door to see the group of nannies in the living area, pawing at their faces, their frantic screams echoing through the room waking the babies.

“Ladies, please, you sound like a heard of buffalo. The babies are trying to sleep.”

Everyone turns toward me.

Shakira charges over, jerking her finger to her eyebrows and oh boy, I can’t help but stifle a laugh with my hand to my mouth, because she looks absolutely fucking hilarious. “You did this, I know you did this. You bitch, you’ll pay for it. I’m going to make you wish you were never born.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, giggling. “I can’t hear what you’re saying, I’m too distracted by the fact that you currently look like a shaved pair of nuts.”

Her face goes red, her eyes widen, and she screams bloody murder.

Within seconds, Sammi, Delilah, Delilah’s mom, and Hugh are all standing in the living area, sleepily looking around trying to figure out what’s happening.

“What’s going on?” Sammi asks.

“Oh,” Delilah says, realizing and pressing a hand to her face. “Oh my god.”

Sammi glances at Shakira, and she bursts out laughing. It’s hard not to have any other reaction, they look so utterly hilarious. You have no idea just how different a person looks without eyebrows. In their case, they one hundred percent deserve it.

“Stop laughing,” Shakira shrieks. “This is horrible. That bitch shaved our eyebrows off.”

Her finger points to me.

Delilah looks over at me, struggling to keep from laughing. “Is this true, Maggie?”

“Yep,” I say, giving her a sweet smile. “They had it coming. Why don’t you ask them what they’ve done to me?”

“You’ve ruined us,” Ramera cries. “We look horrible.”

I smile at her.

“Maggie, a word?” Delilah says, looking less happy and a little more pissed.

I follow her out of the living room, but Hugh is on our tail and doesn’t stop even when Delilah asks him in a really pissy tone if we can speak in private.

“Nope,” he mutters.

She glares at him.

Oh boy. Tension is high.

When we’re alone, she turns to me. “I can’t have you doing these kinds of things, Maggie. It reflects very poorly on me and my family. Our trip is going to have to be cancelled now, because those women will not stay here until they can fix their eyebrows.”

I wheeze.

Hugh grins.

“It’s not funny,” Delilah snaps.

“It’s a bit funny, and you have to admit incredibly satisfying,” I point out. “They’ve been nothing but cruel to me. I wasn’t going to sit back and let them do that.”

“I understand,” Delilah says, “But once again, we have a reputation, and this has gone way too far. We’re going to go home and discuss what happens from here.”

I narrow my eyes. “What do you mean what happens from here? You’re not going to fire me because I got revenge on women who were treating me like trash.”

“We’ll discuss it,” Delilah murmurs.

“We’ll be discussin’ nothin’,” Hugh says. “Maggie is not losin’ her job.”

“Hugh, this is going to be a private conversation between us that we can do when we get home. I’m not going to argue with you any further about her.”




Hugh glares at her. “No, it ain’t. I’m tellin’ you, nobody is firin’ her and if you so much as try, you and I will have even more problems.”

