Claiming Hannah – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 93751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 469(@200wpm)___ 375(@250wpm)___ 313(@300wpm)

When Brandon rimmed her asshole with his finger, Hannah tensed at the invasive touch. If she hadn’t been strapped in place, she might not have been able to resist the urge to jump down from the bench and flee.

“You had a chance to fuck this sweet ass yet?”

“You need to review her hard limits, Brandon,” Mason said, to Hannah’s vast relief. “No anal sex.”

“Right, right,” Brandon said, chuckling. Something in his tone made it clear he’d known that all along. He was messing with her on purpose, the sadist.

“What about toys? Anything specifically precluding dildos and plugs on that little cheat sheet of hers?”

“Why, no, now that you mention it,” Mason said. Hannah could hear the smile in his voice, the bastard. “Nary a word.”

Hannah lifted her head abruptly, her lips parting in protest. Then she paused and lowered her head back into the cradle. She’d known going in that Mason was going to press her submissive boundaries tonight. Submission by its nature was a kind of surrender. To truly submit, she needed to let go and accept what her Master chose for her.

And, as nervous as she was, she couldn’t deny the dark excitement heating her blood. She was definitely no longer on the outside, looking in. Stark naked and bound to a spanking bench, she was the focus of not one, but two confident, sexy Doms. Who knew what wonderful, terrible things they were going to do to her?

Despite her resolve, she gave a small cry when something cold and gooey was smeared between her cheeks. Then someone’s finger circled and then pressed into her asshole.

“Nice and tight,” Brandon said, moving his finger inside her. “You sure we can’t fuck this little slut? It’s not like she could do anything about it.”

It occurred to her that, though she had hard limits, she, like the other subs at The Enclave, had no safeword. He was right—bound as she was, she would be powerless to resist them. All at once, the air whooshed out of Hannah’s lungs. Her heart boomed, her hands clenching into fists.

Mason stroked the back of her neck with his large, comforting hand. “Calm down, Hannah. He’s just messing with you. No one is going to violate your hard limits. Remember, I’ve got you.” His touch and his gravelly voice pulled her back from the brink. She managed to draw a tremulous breath. As he continued to gently massage her neck, her panic ebbed away.

“Better. Lift your head and look at me,” he said, his voice gentle.

Hannah obeyed, meeting his eyes. There was an intensity in his gaze that was at once compelling and also a little scary. In it, she saw determination, power and total control. He was pure Dom, and the submissive in her responded with an unvoiced, dreamy sigh.

“We are going to play with your ass,” he said, his tone now firm. “You have absolutely no say in the matter. But you do have a choice in how you handle it. You can either white-knuckle your way through it, or you can embrace the experience. It’s up to you.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

He moved once more out of her line of sight. She dropped her head back into the cradle, determined to be brave, no matter what they did to her. Though she was nervous, she was also incredibly turned on.

“What’s your pleasure tonight, Brandon?” Mason asked from behind her.

“I’m thinking a butt plug. She’s so tight. You really should begin anal training right away. For now, I think a small anal plug will loosen her up nicely.”

Hannah instantly forgot her resolve to be brave as a shot of adrenaline squirted through her system. Shit. She’d been so focused on the big-ticket items on the hard limits list that she’d somehow missed checking off the box for anal plugs. Was it too late to add that in?

“Slave Hannah,” Mason commanded from behind her, “Ask Master Brandon politely if he’ll please insert a butt plug up your ass.”

Oh god. Seriously?

He’s testing you. They’re only words. You can totally do this.

Taking a deep breath, Hannah lifted her head.

“Please, Master Brandon,” she managed, barely able to hear her own voice over the blood roaring in her ears. “Please…” She blew out a breath, trying to get herself to say the words. In a rush, she finished, “Please, Sir. Please insert a butt plug up my ass.”

“It will be my pleasure, slave Hannah,” Brandon replied, chuckling.

She bit back a groan, once more hiding her face in the cradle.

There was the crinkling sound of a wrapper being torn away. Then something hard nudged at her sphincter. Her spread legs prevented her from tensing, which was probably a good thing. She gasped as the tip slipped inside.

To her relief, it was almost immediately withdrawn. The relief was short-lived, however, as he again pressed the tip of the plug between her ass cheeks, going slightly deeper this time.

