Claiming Hannah – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 93751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 469(@200wpm)___ 375(@250wpm)___ 313(@300wpm)

Still breathing hard, his body covered in a sheen of sweat, Michael took his place beside Brandon. He had a broad grin on his face. Marjorie, meanwhile, directed Ellen to kneel in front of the male sub.

She then knelt beside the girl, effortlessly switching from Domme to sub as her husband/Master opened the fly of his pants and pulled out his sizable erection. Mason glanced at Hannah, who watched the scene with rapt attention.

“It’s good timing that you came along when you did,” Brandon said, smiling at Mason. “Can you see to Hannah while we finish this session?”

“Sure,” Mason said, getting to his feet.

“Don’t come till I tell you to,” Brandon said to Michael. “You do and you’ll be right back up on the horse.”

“Yes, Sir,” Michael replied a little breathlessly.

To the women, Brandon said, “Hands behind your backs. Make us come with only your mouths.”

Marjorie at once knelt up, taking her Master’s cock into her mouth. After a moment’s hesitation, Ellen followed suit with her fellow trainee. Both men sighed audibly. Mason’s cock ached. Damn it. Hannah should be kneeling up as well, mouth open, eager to receive him. A drop of pre-come wet his underwear at the thought. His balls ached.

Nearly shaking with sexual frustration, Mason hauled Hannah to her feet perhaps a little more roughly than he’d intended. She gave a small cry, nearly losing her balance with her arms still bound behind her back.

Wrestling himself back under control, he placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her. “Let’s get those clamps off you. You know it’s going to hurt, right?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, her voice a little unsteady. She bit her lower lip, clearly afraid.

Mason’s favorite time to remove clamps was when his slave was on the brink of orgasm. The combination of pleasure and pain made the experience even more intense. All too aware that wasn’t an option in this case, he again commanded himself to get a grip. He was the Dom here, the caretaker. He needed to sublimate his lust and focus on the sub’s needs.

“Breathe,” he said, stroking her soft cheek with his thumb. “Close your eyes and take a deep, calming breath. I’ll release both clamps at once. Keep breathing the whole time.”

He waited until he was satisfied she was breathing deeply enough. Then he gripped the sides of both clamps and said quietly, “On the count of three. One, two…three.”

Hannah yelped as the blood rushed back into her compressed nipples. Her thick, dark lashes were spiky with tears. Without stopping to think what he was doing, Mason cupped her luscious breasts, dipped his head and sucked one swollen bud into his mouth.

“Oooh,” she breathed, the word infused with both lust and surprise. After a moment, however, she took an abrupt step back, pulling her plump nipple from his lips.

“Stand still, girl,” he growled. “The session isn’t over. Consider this aftercare.”

Holding her shoulders again to keep her still, he closed his lips over the other nipple, flicking it with his tongue, pleased as it stiffened in his mouth. He nudged it with his teeth, lightly biting and then suckling her until she sighed softly, the sound like fingers tickling along his shaft.

Forcing himself to stop before he lost the last vestige of control, he pulled away. Stepping behind her, he undid the bondage knots and unwound the rope from her arms. Though she hadn’t been bound especially tight, her skin was cold to the touch from lack of circulation. Remaining behind her, he brought her arms gently to her sides and ran his hands up and down the smooth flesh as the blood flow returned.

“Now,” Brandon cried, drawing Mason’s attention back to the scene before them.

On cue, the younger man grunted and shuddered, his fingers twisting in Ellen’s shiny hair as she made small gagging sounds. Brandon had his hand proprietarily on Marjorie’s head. His eyes were closed, his mouth slack with pleasure. Practiced cocksucker that she was, Marjorie kept his shaft deep in her throat until she’d milked every drop of his seed.

Unable to help himself, Mason wrapped his arms around Hannah from behind, rubbing his throbbing erection against her as he dipped his head to bite her neck. She moaned. Spurred on by her reaction, he slipped his hand between her legs, thrilled at the wet heat he found there.

With a small cry, she pulled abruptly from his embrace and whirled away from him. Before he could react, she grabbed her stupid dress and slipped it over her head.

God damn it to fucking hell. What was he even doing? How had he let this woman get so thoroughly under his skin?

Mason turned away with a growl and strode rapidly back to the house. Grabbing the keys to his car, he loped to the garage, suddenly desperate to leave the compound for a while. He would stop by the farmers’ markets and the butcher. He would check in with the chefs at both his restaurants. He would stay away until he could stop behaving like a teenaged boy with a perennial boner.

