Chosen by the Chimera – Monstrum Kindred Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 86162 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

Well, the first thing was not to let him know she knew he was watching, she thought. If he suspected she knew what was going on, he might try to break in immediately. She had to act casual and get someplace safe.

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do,” she whispered, trying to look normal and keeping her face turned towards the lighted TV screen. “I’m going to get up and pretend I’m going to the bathroom. I’m going to take my phone with me and once we’re out of sight of the window, I’m going to call the police.”

“Will they send help for Pretty Abbey and Spex?” His little voice sounded doubtful. “Aren’t they the same ones who were mad at Pretty Abbey and fur-man that night?”

Abbey bit her lip—her little Eye-pet had a point. Captain Hogan pretty much hated her. He clearly blamed her and the other survivors who had come forward for the downfall of Chris Brander, who had been a kind of town hero before his history of attacking women had come out into the open. But surely the 911 operator wouldn’t know that—they would dispatch the police to her house if she called and asked for help—wouldn’t they?

“It’ll be fine,” she told Spex as she stretched, trying to look casual, and then rose from the couch. “They have to send help whether they like you or not.”

She hoped.

She slipped her phone, which had been resting on the couch beside her, into her pocket and then got off the couch. As she turned to go into the other room, she could feel someone watching her like an itching between her shoulder blades. Oh God, who was out there? Was it someone from Chris Brander’s family? Had his father decided to send someone to hurt her? Or was it Chris himself? Had he gotten out of the hospital and decided to take revenge?

Also, had Aunt Rose remembered to lock the door when she left for the convention? She had an absent-minded habit of leaving it unlocked, which was one reason Abbey always double checked it. But she’d been feeling too sad and lethargic to leave the couch, so she hadn’t gone behind her aunt to check after Rose left. What if it was open right now and all the watcher had to do was twist the knob and walk right into the living room?

Abbey had no answers to any of these questions—all she could do was keep walking, trying to act like nothing was bothering her as she made her way to the back of the house where her bedroom and bathroom were located.

She hesitated by the bathroom door for a moment, then moved past it and entered her bedroom. This door had a stronger lock—but was it strong enough to keep out a really determined intruder?

Abbey didn’t know and she hoped she didn’t have to find out.

Just as she was stepping into her bedroom, she heard a sound that froze her heart—it was the creaking of the front door. So Aunt Rose had forgotten to lock it—or else the intruder had picked the lock. Either way, whoever had been watching her from outside was now inside with her.

Dropping all pretense of calm, Abbey slammed her bedroom door shut and locked it. Then she backed away, heart pounding.

“Oh Aaaaaabbeeeeeey,” called a voice out in the hallway. “Abbey, babe—it’s me!”

“Oh my God!” Abbey felt sick—she knew that voice and it wasn’t Chris Brander.

“I missed you,” the intruder called and she could tell he was getting closer. “Where are you, babe? Did you miss me?”

Abbey fumbled for her phone, nearly dropping it in her haste.

“Call 911,” she whispered into it. “Call right now! Emergency!”

But nothing happened. She tried again.

“Call 911!” she exclaimed. “Come on—hurry!”

Then she remembered, with a sinking heart, that she’d forgotten to plug her phone up earlier. She’d been telling herself to do it before she sat down to watch the movie, but then she had gotten distracted explaining the plot to Spex and hadn’t plugged it in.

She had a dead phone in her hands and only a flimsy locked door between herself and the intruder. What was she going to do?



“Should I try calling her?” Solon asked, looking morosely down at the drink in front of him. It was an Earth beverage called “whiskey” and he didn’t like it very much. It was too strong and burned his throat when he swallowed it. But his friend, Brone, had assured him it was good for “drowning your sorrows” which was what he had decided Solon needed to do.

The two males had gone to a bar not far from the HKR building where Brone worked. Solon had been pouring out his troubles to his friend, who listened sympathetically.

“Hell yes, you oughta call her,” he said now, taking a sip of his own whiskey and putting the glass back down with a grimace. “Ahh—fucking smooth. She’s probably sorry she got rid of you. Call her on the phone or on the Think-me and tell her you still love her!”

