Chosen by the Chimera – Monstrum Kindred Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 86162 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

A mental image presented itself to Solon—one he didn’t want to see but couldn’t avoid. He was picturing a younger, Abbey—barely more than a girl and still innocent, with thick oculars on her face to help her use what little vision she’d had left at that time. He saw her bending over looking for something…and then saw the large, beefy human male grabbing her and forcing himself on her. He saw the younger Abbey crying out, begging him to stop while he laughed and kept on hurting her…

The mental picture was too much to bear and the Rage overcame him. A blood-red curtain dropped over his eyes and his hands curled into fists as a deep, rumbling roar came throbbing up from his chest to erupt from his mouth.

There were gasps all around him as his roar drowned out the music and people clapped their hands over their ears and stared at him. Solon didn’t care—his only thought at the moment was for vengeance. This male had hurt his bride—he had taken what she wasn’t willing to give and forced her against her will.

He must be punished!

“What the fuck, man?” Chris Brander exclaimed, staring at him. “Why are your eyes all red? Is that a Monstrum thing or something?”

“You hurt my female!” The voice coming from Solon’s throat was deep and bestial—completely enraged. “You forced her! Now you’re going to pay.”

Grabbing the other male by the belt, he dragged him forward and jammed his other hand down his trousers. Then he gripped the human’s genitals in one hand and began to squeeze.

“What the fuck are you doing? Fuck!” Chris Brander shouted. He swung the half full bottle of alcohol clumsily at Solon’s head, but Solon ducked easily. He squeezed harder.

“I’m going to give you a choice,” he growled, glaring down at the human male. “You can either keep your shaft or your balls—you can’t keep both. So which will it be?”

“What? What are you talking about? Hey, man—that fucking hurts!” Brander winced as Solon squeezed the small, squishy package gripped in his palm even harder.

“I’ll ask you again—which do you want to keep?” he demanded. “Because you’re losing one tonight—it’s a fitting punishment for what you did to Abbey.”

“The fuck is wrong with you? Ow—ow!” Brander gasped. “Somebody help me—he’s crazy!”

“Admit what you did,” Solon said, ignoring the shocked stares they were getting from all directions. “Admit that you forced Abbey that day. She never invited what you did—you took her against her will! Admit it!”

“Okay, all right!” Brander was doubled over and nearly crying now. “She didn’t exactly ask for it. But I figured she ought to be happy—a nerdy chick like her getting some attention from a popular guy like me!”

“Right—she was happy to have you rape her.” Solon was so angry now that it felt like his whole body was on fire with the Rage. He couldn’t stand this any longer—if he didn’t act soon he would go too far and kill the male and he knew that would entail a lot of legal problems for the Monstrum of the Mother Ship.

“Hey man—that’s a strong word!” Brander protested. “I was just having a little fun—that’s all.”

“If that’s your idea of fun, then you’re going to love this,” Solon told him. “Since you refused to choose between your shaft and balls, you’re going to lose them both.”

With a conscious effort, he extended the razor-sharp claws at the tips of his fingers which he almost always kept carefully sheathed. They pierced the fragile skin around the attacker’s groin and, when Solon tightened his grip, sliced easily through the skin and flesh.

“No! Noooo!” Chris Brander howled and writhed in pain.

Again, Solon ignored him. He also ignored the other human males advancing on him, their eyes wide as they muttered to each other.

“What the fuck is he doing to Chris?”

“What’s his problem?”

“Fucking animal!”

They were just about to jump on him when Solon twisted his hand, letting his claws do their work. The handful of the flesh he was holding was sliced neatly away and he pulled his hand out of Brander’s trousers, bringing his limp and bloody genitals with it.

There was another audible gasp as all the humans in the room stared in horror and surprise at what Solon had done. Brander collapsed on the floor, howling and clutching his bloody groin—his gray trousers were soaked through and there was a puddle of red rapidly spreading across the floor.

“The fuck did he do? Did he just rip Chris’s nutsack off?” one of the human males who had been advancing on Solon demanded.

“Not just that…I also took his shaft.” Solon dropped the bloody mess on the floor for all of them to see and wiped his hand on his shirt.

“Oh my God!” one of the human women gasped and prompted fainted.

“I think I’m going to be sick!” another one gasped and raced for the edge of the crowd with one hand over her mouth.

