Checkmate: This is Reckless (#3) Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, College, Drama, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Checkmate Duet Series by Kennedy Fox

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 85097 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 425(@200wpm)___ 340(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

The workweek has only just begun, and it’s always hard going back when we’ve spent several uninterrupted days together. It doesn’t matter what we do when we’re together, my time with her is never enough. We’re together so much that Viola and Travis have openly started calling us Team Drewtney, because apparently, we’re a super couple now. Court eats it up.

Before I head to work, I make a quick protein shake for the road. On the fridge, Courtney left a note on the dry erase board saying she loves me. I quickly grab the marker and write it back. It’s become one of our little traditions—leaving notes and seeing how long it takes the other to find them.

On the way to work, I realize how much my life has changed since last year. Courtney is my girlfriend, and Logan is no longer my partner. While I’m happy he was promoted to the position he’s always wanted—detective—it’s just not the same patrolling without him. He’s level-headed, and I knew he had my back on the streets. My new partner, Tyler, isn’t so bad, and I try to give him credit, but he’s a rookie and has little experience. But I’ve taken him under my wing just as Logan did for me. Maybe one day I’ll be promoted to detective, and my brother in blue and I will be partners once again.

As I pull up to the station, I take a final look at my uniform and make sure everything is tucked properly because the chief has been giving some of us shit for coming to work sloppy. If I ever want to become a detective like Logan, I have to stay top notch. As I walk inside the station, I get a text message.

C: Have a good shift. Stay safe. I love you.

D: I miss you already and love you more.

C: Can you call in sick?

D: No can do, sweetheart. I’ll be home before you know it.

C: Better be!

Most of the night is uneventful as we patrol our area. We do a few routine traffic stops, but for the most part, the hours slowly drift by. Time stretches on; we have dinner and go back to patrolling our area. I’m grateful for nothing dangerous but nights like this make my eyes bulge.

C: Ditch your partner and come home for a quickie.

D: Court, don’t even tease me.

C: I only need five minutes.

D: Damn woman, I wish I could.

I glance over at Tyler, and he’s reading a book of state laws. I laugh and as soon as I do a car comes speeding past us and is inches from taking off our side mirror. He’s going way too fast, and I know I can’t let this one slide.

“Did you see that?” Tyler perks up. “He almost took out that car, too.”

“Fuck,” I say under my breath and pop the car into drive while Tyler turns on the siren and lights. I give the car so much power we’re right behind the vehicle, but it doesn’t pull over. Tyler calmly calls dispatch for backup and gives our position as we trail behind the car that’s swerving all over the road. The car turns hard and slams into a parked car going full speed. Smoke bellows from under the hood of the totaled car. Tyler calls for emergency assistance. “We have a code ten-fifty. Send rescue.”

I get out of the car to check the situation and get ready to draw my weapon, but the man stumbles out of the car with a gun in his hand that’s pointed directly at me.

Always be prepared. I learned that in the academy and they drilled it into us. As I stand weaponless with the barrel of a forty-five pointed at me, I know that I wasn’t. I should’ve pulled my gun sooner. I expected someone to be hurt or maybe even texting and driving, but I’m faced with a tweaker who doesn’t notice the large gash on his arm and head that’s gushing blood.

“Tell your partner to stay in the fucking car,” he demands with a scratchy voice, not taking the gun off me.

I swallow hard, not wanting to move my body even to speak. I stay calm, but I’m watching everything I love flash before my eyes—Courtney. Her name is on my lips, and my heart aches knowing this could be the end.

“Tell him!” he screams at me.

I hold out my hands to him, hoping he’ll see that I’m not going to hurt him. I yell over my shoulder, “Stay in the car, Tyler!” From my peripheral, I catch a glimpse of Tyler’s ghostly face, but he does as I say. It’s risky as fuck, but I don’t need any sudden movements.

My heart races and my adrenaline rushes. I watch the man, trying to find a chink in his armor, but he’s looking at me like I’m the enemy, and I’m sure to him if I’m wearing this uniform I am. I try to find the right moment to pull my weapon and take the shot, but it doesn’t come.

