Checkmate This is Effortless (#4) Read online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, College, Drama, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Checkmate Duet Series by Kennedy Fox

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 87792 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“Truthfully, he didn’t do it for me...” she begins, and then leans over her chair close to the two of us, “ bed,” she whispers. “I had to go into the bathroom and finish myself off because he just didn’t get me excited enough.”

My eyes widen in shock because up until right now, Kayla’s been pretty conservative about her personal life. She doesn’t share much, and if she does, it’s super vague.

“You mean he needed a map under the hood and in typical guy fashion, refused to ask for directions?” Viola blurts out.

“Exactly.” Kayla laughs. “But even when I was clear about what I wanted, he was just too...sweet.”

“You broke up with a guy for being too sweet?” I scold her. “You’re one of those good girls that only dates bad boys, aren’t you?” I tease.

“Actually...” She holds up a finger. “I’m a good girl who dates guys that are sweet in the streets and bad in the sheets. There’s a difference,” she gloats. “And Tyler was sweet and gentle and didn’t know the definition of harder.”

Viola and I both crack up laughing, especially when Kayla’s voice rises and the woman painting my toenails overhears her and shifts uncomfortably in her chair.

“So, what you’re really saying is you like rough sex?” I arch a brow and she immediately blushes. “How rough are we talking?” I inquire with a smile.

“Can we stay on topic here?” She tilts her head at me and narrows her eyes.

“Okay, fine.” I grin. “Well, for the record, I could definitely see Logan fitting the bill. He’s got that rough around the edges yet charming and kind type of personality. He’s mysterious, yet caring,” I say matter-of-factly. Not that I know Logan super well, but after interacting with him and watching him around Drew, those are my best assumptions about him.

“He’s mysterious, all right,” Kayla pouts. “Mysterious and confusing and has split-personality disorder.”

“Has he ever mentioned a Skylar to you?” I ask Kayla and she shakes her head. “I’ve overheard him and Drew talking about it a couple of times, and it sounded kind of serious, but I have no idea who it is or if it’s even a girl.”

“I bet you it’s an ex,” Viola chimes in. “He could still be hung up on her, which is why he might not be ready to move onto another relationship.”

“I don’t know. By the way Drew acted weird when I asked, it seemed way more serious than just trying to get over an ex. For as long as I’ve known Drew, he’s been single, so that’s at least a year he’s been getting over this ex.”

“So, if not an ex, then who?” Viola asks the question we’re all thinking.

“Well, whoever it is and whether it’s the reason he’s not ready to date or not, why can’t he just be a big boy and just say that?” Kayla asks with annoyance in her tone.

“Well, have you ever thought about maybe stop chasing him? I know he saw you with Tyler and got agitated about it, but what if he thought you were completely over your fascination with him? Stop giving him the time of day, let him know you’ve moved on from guys not showing interest in you, and see how that unfolds,” Viola suggests and I nod in agreement.

“How do I pretend to not be into him when I’m so into him?” Kayla asks and then squirms when the nail technician starts filing her toenails.

“Girl, we will teach you,” Viola says, waving her finger between me and her.

“I don’t know. That all sounds like some kind of childish game.” Kayla’s shoulders fall in defeat.

“There is nothing childish about the kind of games we’ve played. Isn’t that right, Lola?” I smirk as I hold up my left hand and show off my new engagement rock. “Sometimes in order to get the guy, you’ve got to create your own rules to win the game of love.”

“So, you think by pretending to be over my feelings for him, he’ll suddenly realize he likes me?” Kayla asks doubtful.

“No, I think he’ll suddenly realize he should’ve acted on the feelings he clearly has for you but is choosing to ignore.”

“Yeah,” I agree with Viola. “Sometimes guys just need a good kick in the heart to come to terms with what’s right in front of them.” I grin. “Like me. I knew he wasn’t available, so I became his best friend instead. And might have paraded around in sports bras and baked extra muffins, but he came to terms with his feelings all on his own. He just needed a little push.”

“Don’t you mean alcohol?” Viola blurts out, laughing. “I take credit for the two of you.”

“What? How?”

“Well, for starters, I introduced you two and you slept together on the night of my wedding. I all but sent you two away with a baggy of condoms.”

