Checkmate This is Effortless (#4) Read online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, College, Drama, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Checkmate Duet Series by Kennedy Fox

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 87792 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“I’ll even turn my back as you pee on each stick. Each of them. I want pee on all five,” I demanded. “Squeeze it out.”

“You’re being a drill sergeant about this. And after having two kids, my dignity has vanished.”

I smiled when she went on all the pregnancy tests. We both stood over them on the counter as if they would grow legs and run away. When a big plus sign appeared on all of them, her mouth fell open.


“I’ll take my million in hundred dollar bills.” I smiled, but she was having a mini freak out.

“What the fuck!”

She was livid and confused and all I could do was wrap my arms around her and give her a big hug. “Lola. You’re going to get through this. You have a beautiful family and loving husband...”

“Loving husband who has super sperm.” She let out a big sigh, followed by laughter. “Holy shit. I’m going to have to tell him I’m pregnant...again. Please, Court. Please don’t say anything to anyone until I can tell Travis.”

I gave her a smile. “I promise, Lola. I’ve always had your back and I always will.”

“You’re my best friend in the world. I love you.”

“Love you too, Lola. And congrats?”

Drew’s voice brings me back to reality. “If you’re not pregnant, then who is?”

I swallow hard, knowing I can’t say, not right now. I’m hesitant to speak because I’m sure by this point, he’s connected the dots and already has it figured out.

“You don’t have to say. Logan told me girls like to make an ordeal about it. So, I respect that. But I have to admit, I was really starting to get excited about us having a family together.”

“One day, Deputy.”

The next morning, a moving truck is at the house bright and early. They have everything packed up within a few hours and set in the correct places in the new house. I’m so damn thankful for Kayla that I invited her over for dinner.

“You should be making her lobster. There’s no way we would have been in this weekend without her help,” Drew says just as the doorbell rings.

“Oh my God! It’s the first time I’ve heard the doorbell.” I rush to the door and open it and men from a furniture company are outside unloading a huge ass bed.

Drew walks up and signs the paper and they bring it down the hallway to our master bedroom and set it up.

“I had no idea you were getting this.” I plop down on it, making sure not to put my feet on the bed and it feels like clouds.

“Buddy knew about it. We had a talk.” As soon as his name is said, Buddy takes off running through the house, his collar jingling in the hallway. Seconds later he’s jumping on the bed and we both scream and he jumps down.

“It’s perfect, I love it.”

“I thought we could shop for the house furniture next weekend?” Drew lies next to me and I prop myself up on one elbow. I nod and I can feel exhaustion coat me, but we’re not even halfway done yet. It’s going to take us awhile, but at least we can start sleeping here and it will keep me busy and keep my mind off things.

“I was thinking about making lasagna tonight. Break the kitchen in.”

“And tonight, we’ll break in the new bed?”

“And the bathtub?” I say, getting up and going to the kitchen to go ahead and start dinner. Drew helps me with the lasagna ingredients and layering the meat and cheese and noodles. With each layer, my mouth starts watering because it smells so good.

An hour later, the doorbell rings again and I’m giddy to answer. As soon as Kayla walks in, I scream and Drew comes running.

“A puppy?” I ask, pulling the dog from her arms. He has a big blue bow tied around his neck.

“Surprise!” Kayla says and all Drew can do is laugh.

“Another dog?” Drew pets the puppy and I can see in his eyes he’s already smitten with the little fella.

“It’s a housewarming gift,” she says. “His name is Reed. If you really, really don’t want him, I can try to find him a home while you foster, but when I saw him, I just thought of you two.” Her smile slightly falters when she thinks we might say no, but then she picks it right back up. I feel like a kid again when I turn and ask Drew if we can keep him.

He places his hand on my back and looks down at the cutest puppy in the world. “I told you before, whatever makes you happy, sweetheart.”



The next morning, I roll over with two rowdy dogs and a beautiful woman in my bed. I didn’t think we’d have another dog so quickly, but I’d been warned several times about Kayla being a doggy dealer, so I should’ve expected it eventually. I can’t even complain because I love how happy it makes Courtney.

