Checkmate This is Effortless (#4) Read online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, College, Drama, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Checkmate Duet Series by Kennedy Fox

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 87792 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“How could I hurt her?” He looks puzzled.

“I know that you know she’s had a thing for you. Is that why you backed off? If you don’t have feelings for her, then I completely understand, but if you do, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t pursue it.”

He inhales deeply, obviously annoyed with me, but I don’t care. Sometimes guys need an extra push.

“It’s complicated, okay?”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, Avril Lavigne.” He flashes me an even more confused look. “Who’s Skylar, then? Can you tell me that much? Is she a girl?’

“She is a girl, but that’s all I’m saying.” His lips are in a firm line and I can tell he’s not going to give me any further info even if I beg.

“All right. Well, where does that leave Kayla, then?”

He doesn’t keep eye contact with me and I can see him glancing over to his side. I look and see he’s staring at Tyler and Kayla sitting on the couch. Kayla’s in his lap and Tyler’s eyes are glued to her chest.

“She seems pretty content where she is right now,” he deadpans, and I’m not blind to see the hurt in his eyes. I know he’s pushing away from her, I just can’t understand why.

Travis and Viola leave early once the kids start to get tired and cranky. We end up making plans for brunch the next morning since we don’t get to spend much time with them anymore. We drink more punch and snack on the red and green sprinkled sugar cookies and by the time we head out, it’s past midnight.

Jayden had no problems mingling with the other guests. In fact, I’m sure he would’ve stayed if he hadn’t carpooled with us, but today was our last full day together before Drew starts his four-day swing shifts again and I don’t want to spend the remaining hours we have together nursing a hangover.

“You guys have some dope friends,” he says and I see Drew glancing over at me with narrow eyes. I chuckle softly as Jayden continues talking our ears off all the way home. Who knew he’d be one of those chatty drunks?

As soon as we arrive home, Jayden schedules an Uber and a part of me suspects he’s heading back over there, but I don’t ask him. Mostly because I don’t care right now. I just want to get in bed and lie with Drew.

The next morning, Drew wakes me up with his head between my legs. Both of my thighs are hooked over his shoulder, and I’m completely trapped by him—not that I mind one bit. I dig my nails into his shoulder blades and he doesn’t stop until my body shakes and releases on his tongue.

“You keep that up, Deputy, I’m going to start expecting that kind of wake-up call every morning.” I rest my head against his chest once he lies next to me.

“As long as some of those mornings start with you straddled on top of me.” He flashes a cheesy grin.

“Considering you wake up equipped and ready, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“It was part of my training to always be prepared,” he says matter-of-factly, hiding a smile.

“Where’d you go to get your training? The boy scouts?” I laugh at him and right on cue, he attempts to tickle me under my arms.

After a karate kick of an attempt to get away from him, he pins me down, straddling my hips and holding down my wrists.

“You suck,” I huff, trying to wiggle my body out from under him.

He laughs as he lowers his lips to my neck. He slides his tongue along my jaw and pulls my earlobe in between his teeth. “You’re so lucky we have to leave in forty-five minutes or I’d really show you who sucks.”

“Dammit,” I groan. “I forgot about brunch.” I arch my hips and grind against him.

“We can show up fashionably late,” he suggests, although he knows I hate being late.

“No way,” I refuse. “If we’re more than five minutes late, they won’t think twice about eating without us. Especially since the kids have a twenty-minute sitting limit,” I remind him.

“You’re right. C’mon, sweetheart. We’ll pick this back up later.” He rests his lips against mine. “But don’t think it’s going to be easy. I’m going to need to take a cold shower now.”

He grinds his erection in between my legs, making it even more torturous. “Ugh.” I pretend to cry. “We have a few minutes to spare. Just put the tip in.” I smirk, rocking my hips against him.

Bursting with laughter, he says, “It’s never just the tip. I’m not falling for that one again.”

We arrive for brunch just on time. Viola, Travis, and the kids walk through the door just as we get a table. I snag James from Travis before he can set him down in the highchair.

