Checkmate This is Effortless (#4) Read online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, College, Drama, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Checkmate Duet Series by Kennedy Fox

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 87792 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

We walk inside, and once John sets our luggage down, he takes the opportunity to escape. He makes up some excuse about finishing up a few things in the back pasture and scoots out before anyone can say anything about it. I walk into the kitchen where Mom is anxiously baking away. In her hand she has whiskey on the rocks and when I see her take a sip, she dumps it in the sink and smiles. Knowing she’s in one of her moods, I don’t even question it.

“Hey, baby,” she says, walking over to me and giving me a big hug. She walks over to Drew and gives him a hug, too.

“How’s it going, Miss Rose?” Drew asks with a boyish grin.

She grabs his cheek and squeezes it. “You’re a cutie. Court is lucky to have you.”

“Mom,” I say with wide eyes, embarrassed.

She smiles, getting a kick out of my reaction.

“What are you doing?” I ask, looking at the baking pans all laid out and the mixer going full speed. She has flour on her apron and in her hair.

“Charlotte asked me to bake cupcakes for Benita’s shower tomorrow, and of course, I agreed, because I love my niece, but it’s a lot of work with the gender reveal and the amount needed.”

I squeal loud. “You know the genders?”

I take a few steps past her and she grabs my arm so hard that her fingers dig into my skin. She pulls me back like I’m five years old and gives me a stern look. “Courtney Rose-Marie, I swear on your great-grandmother's grave, if you dare take a step toward that mixing bowl, I’ll be sending you back to California so fast that you won’t be at that shower tomorrow.”

I look at Drew and his face is like stone. She pulled out all the middle names, so I know she means business. Not wanting to push her to the edge, I take a step back. I’m not even going to go there.

“Yes, ma’am,” I say, taking that as my cue to leave because she is in a mood. “Well, Drew and I are going to put up our stuff, and then ride around, I guess.”

She smiles at Drew. “Y’all taking the horses out?”

I didn’t even think about that. “Want to?” I ask him.

“It wouldn’t be Texas without horseback riding, right?” He looks nervous, but also excited.

“Don’t put him on Shadow. He’s been overly moody lately,” Mama says as she goes back to mixing homemade icing. I want to tell her there must be something in the water with how moody she’s being, but I keep my mouth shut.

We walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs and as soon as we enter my room, Drew bursts out laughing. “I didn’t realize your middle name was Rose-Marie. I thought it was just Rose.”

“Well, I usually just write Rose, but you know, when you’re in trouble, your parents yell out all your names,” I say, kicking off my flats and opening the closet and grabbing some boots.

“I wouldn’t mind yelling out all your names.” Drew takes a step closer and whispers against my neck between kisses. “While I’m fucking you.”

“Mm,” I moan, running my fingers through his hair, and I know we have to stop right now. It’s too risky. We’re both gasping for air between kisses and Drew realizes that we’re going too far and takes a step back. I glance down his body and see he’s rock hard.

“That bed is too tempting,” he says. “But I know better.”

“Come on, cowboy. We’re gonna saddle up.” I grab his hand and pull him down the stairs, off the back porch, and we walk a ways before we’re at the barn. I enter the tack room and grab a halter, a lead rope, and a handful of grain. I go back to the gate and lean against it before I start the chase. Shadow is eating hay along with a few other horses that are tame enough for little kids to ride.

“See that black beauty right there? That’s my boy Shadow.” I point to him but he sticks out like a sore thumb around all the quarter horses because he’s so tall and dark.

Drew rubs his palms against his jeans. “Didn’t your mom tell us not to ride him?”

“He’s fine. He doesn’t really like anyone but me. I’m sure someone tried to get on him and he ran away with them. It’s all about the confidence you have when you’re riding. If he senses you’re scared, just forget about it.” I smile.

“Do I need to change clothes for this?” he asks, as I throw the rope over my shoulder.

“You’re good. Blue jeans, T-shirt, Converse shoes.” I give him a look. “Unless you want me to get you a cowboy tuxedo?”

Drew bursts into laughter. “You mean cowboy boots and hat?”

