Carter Reed Read Online Free Book by Tijan (Carter Reed #1)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Crime, Dark, Drama, Erotic, New Adult, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Carter Reed Series by Tijan

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105429 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 527(@200wpm)___ 422(@250wpm)___ 351(@300wpm)

Scott didn’t move. He remained and stared at me. It was another minute before Gene cleared his throat again. “Mr. Graham.” Then he shook his head and turned to leave. As soon as he left, Mike’s hand fell from my arm and I felt like I could breathe again. I didn’t know what it was, but I was jarred from his presence.

I looked up, “Mike, are you going to say something…” The question fell from my lips. He gave me a small grin and I knew that Carter already knew. It was why Gene had appeared, Carter’s personal bodyguard. Then I frowned. “Is Carter already here?” But Mike had resumed his original bodyguard stance back up against the wall. He blended with the shadows to be invisible so I knew he wouldn’t be answering that question.

“That was…odd…” Theresa was frowning to herself as she poured a glass of wine from the tray a server had left. She shook her head. “Oh well. Emma, would you like a glass?”

I nodded, relieved, as I crossed back to them. My knees were a little unsteady.

It was an hour later, after two bottles of wine and most of the time spent on the small dance floor, when Theresa went in search for the private bathroom. As I limped my way to our seats, Noah handed me a bottle of water and patted the chair next to him. I collapsed onto it, but I wasn’t expecting what happened next.

“Thank you.” He cast a glance over his shoulder to make sure Theresa was out of earshot. “I hate that guy. He makes my skin crawl, but I never knew if I could say something to Carter or not. I know you did that tonight.”

Shivers went down my back again as I remembered his sick laugh. “I just didn’t like him.”

“You shouldn’t. There are rumors that he broke whores in for the Mauricio family.”

My stomach dropped. “Why would Carter have him work here?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know, as a favor maybe? He won’t anymore, not if he gives you the creeps. I know that much. Thank you. You have no idea. He’s been sniffing around Brianna for the last six months. I’m sure he had something to do with her getting a job here.”

I nodded. I shouldn’t have been surprised. “Why did you seem so happy to see him?”

Noah snorted, taking a sip from his beer. “You can’t let a guy like that know what you really think of him, not until you’re in the position to actually do something about him and I’ve never been in that position.”

I nodded. That made sense, somewhat. I murmured, “Theresa seemed to like him.”

“He’s charming to most females.” He cast me a sidelong glance. “You seem to be the exception. Thank god.”

An image of Jeremy raping Mallory flashed in my mind. My hand flew up to my mouth as I felt vomit come up, but I took a deep breath and swallowed it.


I recovered, shaking my head. “I’m fine.” A dark feeling came over me. “I’ve seen men worse than him before.” I would’ve killed Jeremy Dunvan again, if I was given a choice, but I would’ve enjoyed it the second time.

“Ma’am?” Mike was at my side. At my look, he corrected himself. “Emma?”


“Your ride is here.”

“My ride?” Carter. “Oh!”

Noah chuckled. “Go ahead. Theresa wants to stay out awhile longer. I can tell. I’ll tell her you got a ride home. Tell Carter hello for me.”

Nerves and excitement took over me when I realized what Mike was insinuating. I was distantly aware that I reached out and gave Noah’s shoulder a squeeze as I rose, but then I was walking out of the box area and following Mike. I was barely aware of the five other guards that followed as I was led through a back maze of Octave again. This time the lights were still off and a memory rushed at me. It was the night I had come to the club with my college roommate. She had slipped away to find her boyfriend and I danced by myself until two hands slid around my waist. For one night, I gave into temptation and I allowed the touch of a stranger. I never saw him, but I felt him, and I never experienced those sensations again until Carter. The same need I felt that night, that I felt every time I thought of him, rose with a powerful intensity in me again.

By the time I was shown through a door and into a darkened room, I couldn’t control myself. I couldn’t think straight. When I saw a shadow, and felt his hand slide around my waist as I had that night, I turned into him. I surrendered everything to his touch. Even before I said anything, I already knew that night had been with Carter. No other man ever made me feel as he had and being back in Octave opened the floodgates.

