Captured by A Sinner Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Jesus fucking Christ.

My breathing speeds up, and white-hot rage explodes in my chest.

I watch as she’s forced into an SUV. Parisi climbs in the back with her, then they drive off the property.

Wrath, unlike anything I’ve felt before, makes my body tremble. I’m going to wipe out the Cosa Nostra.

My voice is filled with carnage and destruction. “I’m going to fucking kill them.”

I yank my phone out of my pocket to call Parisi, but Luca grabs hold of my arms to stop me.

“Don’t! Right now, she owes them money. They won’t kill her. But if you call and threaten him, that will change. We have the element of surprise. With the tracking device, you know where she is. We’ll get Liam to follow them.”

I start typing fast and bring up Rosalie’s tracking device’s signal.

Luca gets Liam on the line. “We need you to tail Parisi. He has Rosalie, and she’s been roughed up, so it’s fair to assume this is going to turn into a fight. Keep your distance until we join you. We don’t want to lose the element of surprise.”

“Will do,” Liam replies. “Where are they now?”

I give the GPS coordinates to Liam, then say, “If it looks like they’re going to kill her, you need to intervene. I know I’m asking a lot. You’ll be up against two guards and Parisi.”

“Don’t worry, Viktor. I’ll save her if things go sideways.”

The private jet touches down on the tarmac with a soft bump.

My voice is strained as I say, “Please don’t let her die.”

“She won’t. I promise,” Liam assures me.

“I owe you.”

“No, you don’t. It’s my turn to be there for you. I’ll make sure your woman doesn’t get killed.”

“Thank you.” My voice disappears from all the emotions wreaking havoc in my chest.

The pilot advises us that we’re about to land at the private airfield, but all my attention is on the tracking device showing me where Rosalie is.

“I have sights on the SUV,” Liam suddenly says.

“Can you see if Rosalie is okay?”

“I’m not close enough.”

“Don’t give your position away,” Luca reminds Liam.

“They’re stopping by a church,” Liam advises us. “Do I follow them inside?”

“Blyadʹ,” I snap.

“There are a lot of people. It looks like a wedding,” Liam says.


I glance at Luca, and just as the thought crosses my mind, Luca asks, “You think they’re having her marry someone as payment for the debt?”

It wouldn’t be the first time it happened in our world.

“Liam, stay hidden. Check how many guards we’ll have to deal with,” I order. “Get the weapons ready.”

“On it.”

When the private jet comes to a stop, I quickly close the laptop and shove it into my bag. Getting up, I rush off the plane to where Gabriel and Nikolas are already waiting.

I’m coming, moya Malen'kaya Roza.

Shutting down my emotions so I’ll be clear-headed, vengeance pours through my veins.

Time to kill.

Chapter 26


I’m dragged into the church via a side entrance, and when I try to yank free again, Alessandro hauls me over his shoulder and carries me up a set of stairs.

“Let me go!” I scream, pounding my left fist against his back.

He carries me into a room and throws me down on the floor. Excruciating pain splinters through my right arm, numbing my shoulder.

I quickly climb to my feet, but he shoves me back, then shuts the door behind him.

I slam my left fist against the door. “Let me out! You can’t do this.”

Frantically, I glance around the room for a way to escape, but there’s not even a window to climb through. I start to look for anything I can use as a weapon, pulling open a cupboard that’s filled with arts and crafts.

I grab the biggest paintbrush I can find, my breaths exploding over my lips.

Hearing footsteps, I hold the paintbrush ready in my left hand, my eyes glued to the door.

When it opens, Alissa comes in, followed by Alessandro and Tommaso. The guards are carrying a wedding dress.

“I won’t marry Mr. Greco,” I say, my voice trembling with frustration and panic. “I’d rather die.”

“Don’t fucking tempt us,” Alessandro grumbles. “Get dressed.”

I shake my head, taking a step back. “No.”

Tommaso comes at me, and I try to stab him with the paintbrush, but he easily swats my hand away. He moves behind me and grabs my arms, yanking them behind my back.

I let out an agonizing cry from the jarring ache in my right arm.

“Stop,” Alissa cries. “You’re hurting her.”

“Get out,” Alessandro snaps at her.


The guard grabs hold of her and shoves her out into the hallway before shutting the door on her. To my horror, he locks it to keep her out.

With a menacing look, Alessandro stalks to me. Tommaso tightens his hold on me as Alessandro takes a knife from his pocket and cuts my shirt down the front.

Feeling borderline hysterical, I scream, “Stop!”

