California Dreaming (The Davenports #1) Read Online Bella Andre

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: The Davenports Series by Bella Andre

Total pages in book: 113
Estimated words: 104820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 524(@200wpm)___ 419(@250wpm)___ 349(@300wpm)

After lunch, she completed a short workout of her own in the home gym or took advantage of the pool. She loved the cool feeling of the water on her body as she breast-stroked through thirty laps, letting her mind wander.

Which of course led to thoughts about Arch. Since the night he’d come on to her and sworn that from then on he’d be a perfect gentleman, he hadn’t broken his word. Why then, in the moments they were apart, did she so often find herself daydreaming about him pulling her in for a kiss?

What’s more, when she woke in the night, she always imagined going downstairs to him. While he’d kept his promise not to try to get her into his bed, he’d also made it very clear that she’d be welcome anytime she chose to come to him.

She could so easily—too easily!—imagine the way he’d brush her hair out of her eyes and gently caress her cheek. She could almost feel the sensation of his lips on hers, tender and yet firm. His fingers traveling down her spine, making her shiver.

And every time she went down this road, her sexy thoughts felt like a betrayal. Because she knew better. Not only was falling for a client verboten, but they could never work as a couple in real life—and Tessa wasn’t the kind who could be satisfied with a fling.

In the afternoons, Arch’s friends dropped by, and one—or several—members of his family usually made an appearance. She’d finally stopped jumping out of her skin when she discovered another Davenport in the house. It became clear they all knew the key code and rarely bothered to knock. It took some getting used to, but she found that she loved how comfortable and casual the family were around one another. She’d never experienced that kind of family closeness before.

Between visitors, Arch was constantly on his phone or laptop, catching up with people and keeping on top of business. She’d never realized how much work went into being a movie star.

He had people helping with his social media, people coordinating his public appearances—and she also discovered that he spent a lot of time and money on charity. She tried to coax the devices away from him when she could, reminding him that rest was an important part of his recovery. Sometimes she was successful, other times not so much. But it seemed Arch was aware of his stubborn side and tried not to let it completely control him. In those small moments of victory, she felt real pleasure.

And then her mind would linger on the word pleasure, and she’d succumb to yet another forbidden fantasy…

* * *

With every day that passed, Arch found himself more intrigued by Tessa. She had created a simple but very effective routine for him that he’d never have guessed he’d enjoy so much.

Normally, he liked to work hard and play hard. And yet, the last week, which mainly involved eating well, working out, and focusing on his recovery, felt like one of the happiest he could remember. He woke every morning looking forward to the day ahead.

Something deep inside told him that his anticipation to greet each day was less about the day’s activities and more about the company. Tessa made everything seem great. She never pushed him too hard, but he found himself working harder than he’d believed he could, simply because she was there to support him.

His dad treated his mom like she was everything in the world to him, and that was how he wanted to treat Tessa. She lit up a room from the moment she walked into it. It was just a shame there was one room where she never ventured…

Thankfully, by now he believed he had earned her trust. Because he’d kept his promise. Since the night he’d pushed things between them too far, Arch hadn’t made a single move on Tessa. It wasn’t for lack of wanting her. He still stared up at the ceiling every night, hoping she’d come down. In fact, he’d spent hours imagining how her body would feel beneath his, beside his, over him…

But if anything ever did happen between them, the next move had to be hers.

However, while it was extremely unlikely that she’d ever make a move on him—he could practically see the walls she’d put up around her heart and body, at least where he was concerned—this didn’t stop her from constantly occupying his thoughts. Especially when she was out of the house, as she was now, and he could flash back to the feel of her hands on his body as she’d helped him stretch earlier in the day. Or the sweet scent of her light perfume as she sat down to eat a meal with him. Or how incredibly gorgeous and sexy she looked coming out of the pool after her daily swim.

