Cade – MC Sinners Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 60447 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 302(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 201(@300wpm)

With that, he turns and walks out.






“What the fuck were you thinkin’,” Jackson roars, getting in Cade’s face. “We haven’t been able to locate Wesley and now you’ve given us three fuckin’ days to do so. Then, to fuckin’ add to it, you put my daughter in danger.”

“It was that or watch him fuckin’ destroy every life in this club,” Cade roars back. “And I will never let anything happen to Addison, I’ll find a way to have eyes on her the entire time.”

“He’s a fuckin’ dog, Cade,” Jackson bellows. “He could have her dead long before you took a step toward her.”

“You think I don’t know that?”

“Stop,” I say, stepping between them. “Cade didn’t do anything I wouldn’t have done myself. This is the only option, Daddy, and we all know it. I can drop those items off, I’m not scared. If it means everyone goes safe after what I did, then I’m going to do it.”

“He is a fuckin’ cold hearted monster, baby,” Jackson murmurs, putting a hand on my shoulder. “He could kill you.”

“He won’t kill me,” I say, praying I’m right. “Because regardless of what you think, I don’t think he wants a war either. If he did, he would have come straight in for the attack, instead he chose to make a deal. This is our only option.”

He pauses, his jaw tight, but he knows I’m right.

“Before we can do anything,” Jackson grinds out, “we have to find Wesley.”

Nodding, I step back. “I already know how we can do that.”

“Care to share,” Spike murmurs from behind Jackson.

“Janine,” I say, carefully. “If anyone can drag him out, it’s her. She has money, money he wanted. We just need to get him to think she’s going to give it to him.”

“You think we haven’t tried to make contact through the number Janine used,” Jackson mutters. “We have. It was pointless. It’s disconnected. We have no way of contacting him.”

“I can find a way.”

Janine steps into the room, holding Max on her hip, Muff by her side. We’re back at the club now, and it has been nothing but chaos since we got here. Everyone is in an uproar and panic is at an all time high. Marshall isn’t someone they want a war with, which is why I’m going to help in any way I can to get Wesley.

It’s the only way.

“I know Wesley’s family, obviously I was married into it. He is tight with their sister; I mean so damn tight there is no way she doesn’t know where he is. I can find her.”

“You didn’t think to tell us this sooner?” Jackson asks.

Janine gives him a stern look. “Wesley has ruined my life enough, and quite frankly I don’t care where he is or what he’s doing. I wasn’t about to go out of my way to find a man that has been nothing but trouble. Now, however, it is different. Lives are on the line.”

God love Janine.

Jackson nods. “Give Muff whatever information you have, we’ll make contact.”

“She won’t speak to you,” Janine goes on. “She’ll barely speak to me, but I know where she used to live. I can’t make any promises she is still there, but it’s a start.”

“You’re goin’ to need a good reason to get her to talk,” Cade murmurs, crossing his arms.

“I have cash, and she was always driven by cash. If I tell her I want to give it back to Wesley because it’s causing me problems, she’ll contact him in hopes he’ll give her some.”

It’s not the strongest plan, but it’s the only option we have. We are left with little choice after the mistake I made.

Jackson isn’t happy with the fact that I have to go in, but I’m not backing down. I know how hard it was for Cade to agree to that deal, but he knows as well as I do, that you only get one chance with a man like Marshall and if we pass it up, we might not get another one.

I just hope that I don’t end up dead.

Swallowing down my nerves, I turn and leave the room, letting them finish their conversation. I need a minute in fresh air, and a moment to think about the fucking huge mistake I made. This is all on me, and I need to fix it, but that doesn’t mean I’m not terrified. I have a daughter, a family, and if I don’t come back from this ...

Stopping at the large tree in the compound, I press my hand against it, taking a deep breath.

“We won’t let anythin’ happen to you, precious.”

Spike’s voice comes from behind me, and I turn, seeing him standing, cigarette in hand, eyes on mine.

“What if there isn’t anything you can do?” I whisper. “What if he kills me?”

“If he wanted to kill you, he would have done it already. Marhsall is too smart to play that dirty. We’ll have eyes on you, and no matter what happens, we’ll make sure you come back alive. You have my word.”

