Cade – MC Sinners Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 60447 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 302(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 201(@300wpm)

He makes it hurt, and yet, at the same time, the pleasure is out of this world.

When I come, I do it with a wild bellow, my hands slipping from beneath me. His finger is no longer inside me, and instead he hooks his arm beneath me, holding me up as he finishes what he started, exploding into me with a ragged growl. Only then does he let me slide down to the ground where I land on my hands and knees, panting, sore, and completely satisfied.

When Cade fucks, he doesn’t mess around.

It also means he’s really fucking angry.

Pushing to my feet, I turn to face him, and he reaches over, grabbing my chin and pulling me close. “I’ll say it once, and I won’t say it again. When I tell you not to do somethin’, Addison, you do not fuckin’ do it. You made a fool of me in front of my club, you took away any control I had, and you made me look weak. You do it again, I’ll walk out that door and never fuckin’ look back.”

With that, he releases me and exits the shower, leaving me standing, heartbroken, ashamed and hurt, but mostly, he put me right back in my place.

A place I shouldn’t have forgotten to begin with.

“HE BASICALLY HATES me,” I say, staring over at the pool table where all the guys are playing pool at one of our monthly cookouts.

Ciara rocks Mercedes in the stroller as Danny runs around with his firetruck, completely crazy. Janine stands beside Serenity as their two little ones play on the floor and Cade has Skye with him, handing her to Spike every time it’s his turn.

“He doesn’t hate you,” Serenity says, glancing at Cade. “He’s a biker. They get all broody and stuff. You know how it is. There was once where Jackson actually considered shooting me.”

I stare at her. “You betrayed the club; it was a little different. I was only trying to find his family member.”

Serenity laughs. “Well, when you put it like that.”

“He’ll get over it, honey. He’s just pissed that you went behind his back. I mean, it’s understandable ...” Ciara points out, then gives me a sympathetic smile.

“I know, but it’s his sister. His own flesh and blood. He told me she chose her boyfriend and so he wiped his hands of her, but it seems like that isn’t a good enough reason to sleep each night knowing she could be out there being someone’s damn slave,” I huff, crossing my arms, frustrated.

“I get what you’re saying,” Janine agrees. “I don’t think I could let it go.”

“See,” I say, waving my hand. “Someone understands. I promised him I wouldn’t look into it anymore, but damn, it’s not easy. How can he just be okay with her being out there?”

Ciara purses her lips. “I mean, it is a little bit shitty. I will admit. Not even trying to see if she’s okay.”


“Can you still look into it without getting yourself into trouble?” Serenity questions.

I shake my head. “I promised him. He means more to me than this, even if it’s the hardest fucking promise I’ve had to make.”

“Give him time, I think he’ll come around. You’ve planted the idea in his head, maybe leave information you have got lying around and he might just get some interest. If you can get him working with you, or better yet, the club, it would be so much better.”

That’s not a bad idea.

“You’re a secret genius, Serenity. I’m going to do that. Surely he can’t just go back to being okay with not knowing ... right?”

Ciara shrugs. “I don’t know, he’s gone this long ...”

She’s right, he has, which is why I need to give him reason to want to keep searching. A new plan forms in my head. If I can’t do it alone, I’ll just have to get him to agree to do it with me. It won’t be easy, but I think I can do it. If I dangle the right bait, he won’t be able to help himself.

At least, that’s what I hope will happen.

Either that or we’ll end up hating each other.

That can’t happen ... right?




Staring down at the paper on the bench, tucked just beneath Addison’s bag, I can’t help but see my sister’s name. Glancing up the hall, I hear the shower running. Fuck. She’s got it in my head now, and I’m finding it real fucking hard to think about anything else. She was getting somewhere, I know it by her fierce determination, but she agreed to stop looking, for me. I know that will be killing her.

Pulling out the piece of paper, I stare down at her scrawled handwriting.

Something about Clara being seen in the woods outside of town before she went missing. She was picked up, bloodied and hurt, and a report was made to the police but nobody could find her. When the person who picked her up took her to the hospital, she ran. I know exactly what she was doing in those woods, a memory that haunts me and will haunt me until the day I die.

