Cade – MC Sinners Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 60447 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 302(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 201(@300wpm)

My heart aches.

Cade has never told me about his past, and the more I’m learning about it, the more it upsets me.

He spent so long listening to me talk about mine, and all along he had one equally as dark. Why hasn’t he told me?

Doesn’t he trust me with it?

Hurt washes over me.

“Thanks for the information,” I tell Charlie. “If you find anything else, let me know. I just want to find out if she is alive or dead, I swear.”

“Promise me you won’t look into this deeper than that, it’s dangerous, I have a bad feeling about it.”

Crossing my fingers behind my back, I say, “I promise.”

It’s not that I want to lie to Charlie, it’s just that he doesn’t understand how important this is.

I need to know what happened to Clara, and if she’s alive, I need to bring her home.

I know they might have had a rocky past, but she is still his family, and by the sounds of it, the only one left.

That matters, even if he doesn’t realize it yet.

“Do I at least get a coffee with you for all this information I’m providing?”

I laugh. “I think I can manage that.”

“Good, I want to hear how your life is going outside of all this.”

“That’s fair. How about tomorrow? Skye is in daycare so I can manage some time.”

“It’s a plan. I’ll text you.”

Hanging up the phone, I stare down at the name on the paper. I wonder how I’ll go about finding out more about this man and what his involvement with Clara was, or is. Are they together? Are they a team or is she his victim? Pulling out my phone, I quickly type his name into Google, seeing if I can find anything. A few articles come up, but nothing major.

A Facebook page shows up, and I click into it.

Trusty Facebook always has an answer.

There is a profile picture of a man with dark hair, brown eyes, and a crooked smile. He doesn’t look so bad, but that doesn’t mean anything, that much I know for sure. There is a woman in the picture with him, blonde, light green eyes. Is that Clara? I click the picture and zoom in, my heart skips a beat. She looks like Cade, there is no doubt about it. That’s his sister.

The last post on the page was over five years ago, and that has my heart sinking.

It’s not an active page.

That picture is old.

Scanning through the photos, it is the only one I can find with the two of them in it. I open the comments and read some, finding a family member who commented something rather interesting. The comment states I wish you just trusted us to take care of you, then you wouldn’t be gone. I miss you, brother.


Clicking onto the profile that commented, I see the name of a woman who is seemingly active still. Her name is Celeste Archer. Heart racing, I look through her photos, but she has most of her profile blocked so I can’t see much. Do I dare message her? Do I dare reach out and see what she knows? Finger trembling over the message button, I think about what I’m about to do.

This could be the lead I need, but it could also take me down a very dangerous road.

Closing Facebook, I take a deep, shaky breath.

I need to think about this more.

I need to be careful about my next move.

I don’t want to bring trouble into my home, or my family.

Dammit, Clara, where the hell are you?


Staring at Spike, I offer him a smile. “I’m as good as can be, bestie. What about you?”

He grins. “You’re the best liar I know, it’s scary.”

“It’s not a lie,” I chuckle, taking a sip of my drink before I head home to Skye for the night. Janine’s mom has all the kids one night a week, so we can head out and have a drink together. She’s a god send, and she loves those kids more than her own life. “I am good.”

“Rephrase,” he murmurs, sipping his beer as his eyes swing to Cade who is at the bar getting another round. “How is your quest to find Cade’s long-lost sister?”

I grin. “You know me, I don’t give up easily. Do you know anything about her? You’ve known him for a long time, so you surely met her.”

“Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell. He’d have my head. Loyalty and all that.”

I roll my eyes. “You bikers and your loyalty. I want to just shove it right ...”

“Did someone say loyalty?” Ciara turns in her seat, stopping her conversation with Serenity who is sitting beside her. “Because if any one of you is as loyal as you claim, you’ll help my pregnant ass up and to the toilet.”

