Burn in Hail Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Hail Raisers #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Hail Raisers Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74875 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

Tate wasn’t a forever kind of guy.

Not that I didn’t think that he wasn’t capable of giving me forever, but because I knew he didn’t want forever. If Tate Casey didn’t want something, then he didn’t do it. It was as simple as that.

I wasn’t sure if I could ever move on from him…

A mouth slammed down onto mine, and I took a deep breath in through my mouth, gasping in surprise at the ferociousness of the kiss.

“Get.” He pressed another hot kiss to my mouth. “Out.” Another, this one even deeper. “Of your head.”

I moaned and felt my knees get weak.

I’d kissed men before, sure. But kissing men, and kissing Tate? That wasn’t a comparison I was willing to even entertain putting a number to.

Tate wasn’t in a league with other men. Tate was in a league of his own, one that only he could compete in. Honestly, it was unfair.

He had the power to take everything I had to give, and I wasn’t sure he was willing to give anything back.

Did that stop me from threading my arms around his neck? No.

Did that stop me from pressing my breasts into his upper belly? Again, no.

Did that stop me from spreading my legs when his hand went down the gap in the back of my jeans? Hell no.

I was his puppet.

He could do anything to me that he wanted, and I’d do everything in my power to make it easier for him. Why? Because I was a whore for Tate.

Other men, no. Tate? Hell fucking yes.

“Don’t like to see your face lookin’ like that,” he told me, pulling back so that I could see his eyes.

My eyes were likely dazed, and I knew that he knew what he did to me.

Again, I did nothing. Said nothing.

“This look, though?” he grinned that devilish grin. “Fuckin’ love it.”

Hearing ‘love’ come out of his mouth was damn near debilitating.

In fact, my heart was now pounding even harder, even though he’d done nothing but say a simple word.

I swallowed thickly when I felt the tip of one large finger swirl around the wetness of my entrance.

My eyelids grew heavy, and I bit my lip as I held my breath.

Everything inside of me screamed for me to urge him on, tell him anything to make him give me more.

But I knew better. Tate did what he wanted when he wanted. He didn’t work on anybody else’s time table but his own.

So when he just kept teasing—kept swirling that finger—spreading my wetness further and further out in broadening circles, I did nothing but spread my legs wider. I gave him what he asked for without actually asking.

He growled low in his throat, and then dropped his mouth to skim over my brow.

“You’re so short,” he said. “It’s a good thing I have long arms.” He paused. “But it makes it hard to do anything more.”

Before I could offer him an alternative, he took matters into his own hand, and picked me up.

With one hand still in the back of my pants, and the other around one ass cheek, I did the only thing I could do and wrapped my short little legs around his waist and held on while he moved.

My back hit the mattress, and he followed me down, crouching over me on the bed while continuing those maddening circles.

With the way I was practically lying on his arm, I couldn’t see how that was comfortable for him. He didn’t seem to care, though.

“Lift your shirt, let me see those pretty, big titties.”

I bit my lip and raised my shirt. When I went to lift my bra up next, he shook his head.

“Take them all the way off,” he ordered. “You gave me the greatest tease earlier and then took it away. I want them back.”

I stared at him, reading the earnestness in his eyes, and then reached for my shirt and shucked it all the way up and over my head. Once I threw it to the ground, I reached for the clasp of my bra, thankful that I’d put the one on that was easy to undo.

Once I had the snap undone, my breasts fell free of their confines.

The thing about women with big breasts like I had was they weren’t cute. They didn’t stay nicely in shape, but fell heavily to the side, making me so self-conscious that it was hard to not wince.

Tate, though?

He loved them. He worshipped them.

I cried out when I felt his hand leave from between my legs, but when he brought those fingers up, covered in my juices, then rubbed those same fingers along my nipples, I knew what he was going to do.

After sucking his fingers completely clean while staring straight into my eyes, he dropped down to my breast, and sucked one peaked nipple into his mouth.

