Brutalize Me (Corrupted Royals #3) Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Mafia, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Corrupted Royals Series by Michelle Heard

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 78627 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 393(@200wpm)___ 315(@250wpm)___ 262(@300wpm)

“Armani?” he answers with concern already lacing his voice.

“Makarova fucked with my wife. I’m giving you a courtesy call to let you know I’m going to kill him.”

“What did he do?”

“He made it look like she was having an affair, and he had a man watching her. The fucker shot at her.” I don’t even bother telling him the man also tried to take me out.

“Cristo,” Luca curses. “Let me talk to Viktor. You can’t take Makarova on your own.”

A victorious smile curves my lips.

That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.

“Thank you, sir.”

We end the call, and I drop the device on the bedside table before lying down again.

Tiana shoves my shoulder, demanding, “What happened? Tell me.”

Grabbing hold of her, I force her onto her back and cover her body with mine. “Makarova is butthurt because I got you, and now we’re going to war.”

“War?” she gasps. “Isn’t there another way?”

I shake my head. “He fucked with you, bella. The only way is with him dying.”

Her face fills with worry. “I don’t want you, Misha, or Alek getting hurt.”

“We won’t. It sounds like Luca and Viktor will help out to take down Makarova.”

Tiana stares into my eyes. “I barely survived losing you once, I won’t survive a second time.”

“You never lost me,” I assure her. “I have a lot of groveling to do.” I press a kiss to her jaw. “It will probably take me a lifetime.” I kiss the corner of her mouth. “So don’t forgive me too easily. Let me work for every day I get to spend with you.”

Slowly a smile curves her lips, and it feels like the sun is shining again.

I watch her reaction closely as I lower my head, and when she allows me to kiss her, my heart feels whole again.

Chapter 41


Even though we went to bed late and I didn’t sleep the night before, I wake up at the crack of dawn.

I’m happy to be back at home, and the talk we had last night helped heal my heart a little, but I’m going to let Armani grovel.

I feel his cock harden against my thigh, and where I would usually push him onto his back and have my wicked way with him, I lie still.

Armani’s arms tighten around me, and he presses a kiss to my neck. “Do you want me to beg, bella?”

A smile curves my lips. “Yes.”

He chuckles as his hand moves down my side to settle on my abdomen. “Let me fuck you, amore mia. I need to be buried deep inside of you.”

“Hmm,” I tease him. “I’m going to need more begging.”

His hand slips beneath my leggings and panties, and his middle finger circles my clit. “Please, bella. Cazzo, I need you. Without you, I’m half a man.” His finger brushes through the wetness gathering between my legs, then he pushes inside me. “Let me show you how sorry I am.”

“Okay,” I give my permission.

Armani kisses my neck, and pulling his hand out, he starts to undress me while bathing my skin in more kisses.

When we’re both naked, he covers my body with his, and stares deep into my eyes. “I would’ve died if I lost you.”

My heart melts a little more.

“When I first saw you, I had no idea I’d fall so hard for you,” he murmurs before pressing a tender kiss to my mouth. Lifting his head, he continues, “Please give me this morning and the rest of your life to love you. I’ll never endanger our love again.”

Emotion fills my chest, and just overwhelmingly happy to have my husband back, I nod. A mischievous smile forms on my face. “But you’re still going to grovel.”

“Yes, Mrs. De Santis.” He gives me a hot grin. “Starting now.”

He pulls me down the bed until my head is no longer on the pillow, and when he comes to kneel by my hair, I grin. I know what’s coming, and I love it.

He leans forward, pressing kisses between my breasts before he sucks my nipples into his mouth, then he moves down to my abdomen.

As his hardness comes into my line of sight, I reach up and wrap my fingers around his thick girth, stroking him from base to tip.

“Cazzo,” Armani hisses against my skin. “Suck me hard. I want to feel your teeth,” he orders.

I spread my legs wide open while I swirl my tongue around the swollen head of his manhood.

I love how velvety his skin feels on my tongue, and I let my teeth scrape against him as I suck him deep into my mouth.

Letting out a groan, he praises me, “Yes, bella, just like that.”

Armani plants his face between my thighs and sucks my clit so hard my hips buck off the bed. I return the favor by hollowing my cheeks and taking him to the back of my throat.

