Brutal Power – Arranged Marriage Mafia Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 90642 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

“You’re too valuable to waste.” Santoro’s smile is grim. “I don’t throw away assets.”

“How do I get in touch with you again?”

“You’ll reach out to Luca when you’re ready to give me what I want. Once I have Alessandro, we’ll discuss payment in detail. But from here on out, you work for me, Mr. Quinn, and you will no longer move against me in this little war I’ve been fighting with the Biancos. Do you understand? If you want to prove that you’re not full of hot air, back off, and wait for further instructions.”

I open the door. “I can do that, Don Santoro.” His face twitches at the don title.

“Good luck then, Mr. Quinn. I hope you’re as clever as you think you are.”

I leave his car and get back into Luca’s vehicle.

Chapter 37


The smell of a hot grill fills the oasis. Three different cooks are busy chopping, slicing, forming, and prepping for the barbecue while Freddie flits about and makes sure everyone’s wine glass is filled.

I sit at a table in the middle of the street with Elena and her sister, Laura. Stefania and Emily are nearby, chatting with each other, while half a dozen important Capos lounge about with their families laughing and eating and overindulging.

“I hate this,” Laura says, glaring down at her paper plate. It has one single potato chip, untouched, right in the middle. “Mom told me if I didn’t eat, she’d kick me out.” She picks it up, stares at it, and nibbles the corner. “There. I’m full.”

“You’re so dramatic,” Elena says, grabs the plate, and dumps a handful of chips on top. “Try to enjoy yourself.”

Laura sighs and looks like she’d rather lie down and nap on busy train tracks.

The Bianco family cookout is apparently an annual tradition where the Don brings together all the important members of the organization for a little gathering. It’s half informal bonding and half business. Simon’s sitting at a table in the middle of the action with Davide and a couple older Italian guys, probably important lieutenants and Capos, and they’re deep into some discussion that involves lots of gesturing and more than a few spilled beers. I’m tempted to go over and listen in, but I decide it’s better sitting with Elena.

Because she looks incredible. She’s got on short jean shorts and this black tank with mesh along the top that shows off just enough skin to make my heart skip a beat every time I look in her direction.

“You keep looking over at my brothers,” Elena says, scooting her chair closer. “Anything you want to say to them?”

“Mostly just curious about what they’re saying.” I lean against her. “What do you think? Are they planning some big heist?”

Laura cuts in. “They’re probably talking about who’s going to get to kill Santoro first.” Her shoulders slump and she sighs. “It should be me.”

“The boys are always talking strategy,” Elena says, ignoring her sister. “With how much they talk, you’d think they would’ve won the war by now.”

“You’re too hard on them.”

“Maybe, but someone has to be.” Her smile fades away. “It’s been tough on everyone. Not just on our family, but on the Capos and the soldiers too. This little gathering is about more than just talking shop, it’s a way to show our people that we care about them.”

“Via chips and burgers,” Laura says and looks up at the sky. “We should’ve just given them all a few thousand in an envelope.”

“We’ll do that too,” Elena says and elbows me. “What about you, does your family ever do something like this?”

“All the time. We have a bowling thing, some charity golf tournaments for local kids going to college, stuff like that. Any way we can give back, we do it, mostly because a healthy community means a strong organization.”

“I couldn’t have said it better,” Elena says and kisses my cheek.

“Disgusting,” Laura whispers at her pile of potato chips.

Food starts coming out. I make a plate for myself and for Elena, and when I come back, Laura has escaped back to her house. Freddie’s sitting in her chair and she’s chatting with Elena, and Stefania and Emily have both joined them. I suddenly feel like the odd man out and head over to the main table where Davide pulls up a chair and lets me sit in on their conversation.

I can tell the other Capos aren’t happy I’m hanging around at first, which is fine, I’m new to their organization and they don’t trust me yet. But soon it’s clear that Simon values my opinion, and fortunately I can bullshit a few ideas while also adding a legal perspective which amounts to don’t kill people around cameras.

“We have this thing going down,” Simon says, leaning in and pitching his voice lower. The men at the table are all pretending like they’re not listening as they go to town on ribs, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and more. “It’s a big hit and I was thinking you and your guys might be really useful assets.”

