Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“Hold your arms out, and just look down your finger at each target.” He’d have to turn the floodlight on when it finally got dark, but for now they had enough afternoon sun to practice.

“Then do I shoot? Pew, pew, pew.” She made a soft noise as she took aim and he couldn’t help but laugh as she also moved her arms down the aisle.

“Why not bang, bang, bang?” he asked, extending his arms past her.

“Because my gun will go pew, pew, pew.” She laughed.

He smiled.

“Okay. Do you see the bottles?” he asked.

“Yep, and it looks to me like you guys have a smidge of a drinking problem.”

“I’m not the only one that drinks, and besides, these have been collected over the past week.”

“You guys haven’t heard of hot chocolate or coffee?”

Dirty tried to contain his laughter. “Sure, you go ahead and tell the guys they need to cut down on their beer and drink coffee and hot chocolate. Will you allow them to have marshmallows?” he couldn’t help but tease.

“Absolutely not. They are much too sweet and only good boys and girls can have marshmallows.”

She was adorable. He missed this, just talking with her. She was like a different person.

They took aim down her fingers, and no matter what, she continued to pew, pew, pew. It was time to put a real gun in her hands, and there were a few to pick. He knew Warden had gotten to train Kim, and Colt was training Rosalie to handle a gun. Now it was his time to show Petal. Someone might have to show Tanya, but he had a feeling she would already know. It was just something about her that said she liked to be prepared.

Handing her a small handgun he’d loaded, he placed it in her hands.

“It’s loaded and ready. No safety, just ready to take aim.”

Petal nodded. “Just to shoot.”

“Yes, shoot. Look down your barrel, take aim, and then when you’re ready, fire.”

Seconds passed. Dirty didn’t pressure her to fire. He waited patiently.

Then, he saw Petal take a deep breath and aim, this time as she fired, there was no pew, and as the gun shot its first bullet, she closed her eyes. The sound and the slight shock took her by surprise. She didn’t hit the bottle.

“It’s okay, you can do it again.”

“I didn’t get the target!”

He saw Petal glare, and this time she took aim and shot a second time, and a third. She kept firing until the gun was empty and there was nothing inside. She handed him back the gun, and without a word he reloaded.

This time, as she took aim, she waited several seconds and then started to fire. After two more shots, she dropped her arms.

“Are you kidding me? How is this so difficult? The targets are not even moving. It makes no sense to me.”

“It takes practice.”

She handed him the gun. “Prove it. Show me this gun can take out a target.”

Dirty took the gun and aimed, shooting the target furthest away without flinching. He held the gun out to her.


Petal glared at him and then held her position, taking aim and firing. She didn’t get it the first time, or even the second, but the fourth. On the fourth shot, the sound of glass smashing was like sweet music to his ears.

Petal let out a little cry. “Oh, my, I did it. Do you see that? I did it.”

She threw herself at him, and Dirty held her in his arms. He knew he was not going to stop until she was finally his.

Chapter Fifteen

Petal parked her car once again in the Satan’s Death Riders MC parking lot, and climbed out. Myth was out near his bike, smoking a cigarette. It always surprised her to see him smoking. It was not something he did on a regular basis.

“Back to practice?” Myth asked.

She walked over to him. “Yeah, I will stop as soon as I’m able to take out all targets on a regular basis.”

“You seem pretty keen to learn.”

“I think I’ve got to, don’t you?” she asked.

He shrugged. “There is practicing, and then there is a certain someone you want to see, is there not?”

She glared at him. “Stop it. There is nothing going on between Dirty and me.”

“I didn’t say there was, but you have to wonder, do you want something to be going on between the two of you?” he asked.

Petal frowned. “I’ve not seen you at the diner in awhile? Is everything okay?”

“Kim’s been busy, and I’ve been working with Fritz. Tito has been with Kim for a bit.” Myth shrugged.

“You’re not angry at me for hiring Tanya again, are you?”

“I’m not angry at anything. I have no reason to be.” He winked at her. “I’m worried about Dirty.”


“Don’t be dumb, Petal. You and I both know you’re not. Dirty is not over you. He is not just doing this out of the kindness of his heart, and regardless of your past, he’s still club. I still have his back. Don’t play with him.”

