Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“You’re not laughing now, are you, bitch?”

“You’re so fucking stupid,” Petal said.

Something clicked at the side of her head, and she didn’t know if it was the safety coming off, him loading it, or what.

“I’m stupid. I’m not the one with the gun pointed at my head.”

She had to stall as long as possible. Long enough for Kim to get away or Warden and his men to come and save them.

“Tell me, where do you get your information?” Petal asked.

Predator frowned.

She was either going to make an enemy of Kim, or a friend in this next moment.

“What does that have to do with it?”

“You think Warden will come looking for this … bitch?” She had to change the wording because calling Kim an old crow did not sit well with her. It put the fear right into her. She was terrified.

Petal tilted her head to the side as she saw the briefest doubt enter Predator’s mind. The gun was pressed tighter to her temple.

“Do you think you can fool me?”

“I don’t know, I’ve been fooling Kim for some time now. I mean, come on, Warden and Kim have been married for, like, forever. He wanted some fresh meat, and well, let’s just say, he and I were the real deal.”

She was going to vomit. Staring at Predator, she waited, hoping it would sink in.

“Do you think I’m a fucking idiot?” he asked.

Was it bad that she wanted to tell him she hoped he was? He let her go and turned back to aim the gun at Kim.

“If you want to hurt Warden, you stupid fuck, then you’ve got to kill me. Warden is looking for ways to divorce her ass. He’s been fucking me. If you want to hurt him, I’m the one you need to kill.”

Predator looked at her, and she saw he doubted himself. This was good, better than good. It made her the target. Rosalie would be upset, but at least she wouldn’t be losing another mother. Kim was needed. Petal wasn’t.

“Petal, shut the fuck up,” Kim said.

“I’m the one Warden is fucking. I’m the one he’s spending his nights with. It’s me.”

Predator came toward her, gun pointed directly at her head. “Do you think I’m dumb? Why would you tell me that if you want to be the one to die?”

“Because then we both get what we want, don’t we? Warden will finally learn his lesson from waiting, and you get to take out the woman who’s fucking Warden, who he is really in love with.”

“I have no idea what you’re doing, but Petal, stop.”

Petal glared and looked around Predator. “I don’t have to take orders from you anymore.” She tried to give Kim a, Shut up, I’m handling it, look, but she wasn’t quite sure it was working.

Fear rushed through her. Her heart raced, but whatever happened today, she was going to save Kim. Kim had to live for the club, for Rosalie, for her parents.

She was grabbed and dragged to kneel directly in front of Kim. They were eye to eye.

“Well, how about we kill you both?” Predator asked. “That way, Warden can come and see both of the bodies.”

Petal was trying to make him kill her, to give Kim more time to survive. She took a deep breath as the other man got into position, and they were both about to face certain death. Petal didn’t cry. She didn’t know if it was fear or just plain stupidity, but she didn’t cry. Neither did Kim. Blood seeped from the other woman’s mouth from where she’d been slapped.

“Close your eyes,” Kim said.

Petal closed her eyes and she knew this was it, this was happening, and that was when she heard it. The sound of the bikes. There was no gunshot.

“Predator?” one of the men asked.

“Shit,” he said.

“How the fuck did they find this place?”

“That bitch must have squealed.”

Petal didn’t know who was talking, but she knew this was bad. With the sound of the bikes heading their way, there was not much choice. They were going to be killed.

“Predator, let’s go,” one of the men said.

Petal kept her eyes closed, but then someone grabbed her around the throat and she tried not to whimper.

“Until next time, Whore.” Predator licked her cheek but without shooting his gun. He rushed out of the rundown house, and she heard them starting their car.

“What is happening?” Petal asked.

“They’re running away like fucking cowards.”

Petal turned to watch the roaring engines as the Satan’s Death Riders MC came rushing down that dirt path toward them.

She didn’t care about seeing Warden or Myth, or Colt. There were several other men there, but the one that caught her eye was Dirty.

He’d come to get her.

Chapter Thirteen

Petal was alive.

Kim was alive.

Warden had released the ties around his wife’s wrist and then turned to Petal. Dirty watched as she was freed, and expected Petal to hug Warden. Instead, she went to Kim, threw her arms around the older woman, and began to apologize.

