Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Everything was working great. She was sweet to the customers, fast, and didn’t have butter fingers. Not once had she caught her on her cell phone scrolling through social media. It was all good. The customers were happy. Burto was happy.

Petal came to a stop when she saw Kim calling her over. Everyone in her section had been served, so she made her way toward Kim.

“Is everything okay?” She’d been the one serving Kim’s table. Myth was with her, and her friend was no longer glaring at her, so that was a win.

“Yeah, I just want to see how you’re doing?”

Petal pulled out a chair with a frown. “I’m doing good. You?”

“You know what I was thinking?” Kim asked. Before she even got a chance to respond, Kim began talking again. “A girls’ night.”

“A girls’ night?”

“Yeah, you know, you, me, Rosalie, a couple of the girls. Maybe even the new girl who is working.”


“Yeah, what do you think?”

Myth frowned and Petal didn’t have a clue what was going on.

“I’m not sure Colt is going to be so happy about Rosalie going out. With her being pregnant, she can’t drink.”

“Alcohol does not make a good time. It helps to loosen the mood, but I think a night out on the town, some dancing, and maybe we find you a man.”

Petal shook her head. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

“Yeah, I do. I want to see you happy, Sweetheart, and seeing as I’ve made up my mind, that is exactly what is happening.”

“A girls’ night.” Petal smiled. It had been a long time since they last went out.

“I’m so excited. I’ll make the arrangements.”

“Don’t you think you need to talk to Warden first?” Myth asked.

“Who do you think I’m going to speak to?” Kim gave a little giggle. “Please talk to your friend.”

Petal had a feeling Myth had let the cat out of the bag by drooling over Tanya. That had to be the reason Kim seemed determined to have a girls’ night. She was not going to argue, although a night out was the last thing she wanted.

Petal made her way over to the main counter, and Tanya was filling up sugar containers.

“Hey,” Petal said.

“Hey, Petal, what’s up?”

“How are you getting on?”

“Is it sad and pathetic that it was like I hadn’t left, apart from the fact my ass is not a target for squeezing?”

Petal laughed. “If it would make you feel happy I can attempt to give your ass a squeeze?”

Tanya burst out laughing. “Nah, I’m good. When Al did that last time, he got a black eye.”

“Yeah, and I don’t want any bad color on this pretty face,” Petal said.

Tanya was easy to talk to.

“So, uh, there is something I’ve got to ask you. It’s not anything to worry about, not really, but, um, you know the Satan’s Death Riders MC?”

“I know of them. I know they come here regularly for the food.”

“Right, uh, you see that woman in the middle chair, got a biker guy with her, looks kind of scary? Not the woman but the guy?”

Tanya smiled. “Yes, I know her. Kim, right?”

“Yes, Kim, well, she wants all of us to go on a girls’ night. She wanted me to invite you and see if you would like to hang out with us.”

This was a lot harder than she anticipated.

“Thank you for the invite but I have no one to watch Leanna. Maybe another time.”

“The club could watch Leanna,” Kim said, joining them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tanya.” She held out her hand for the other woman to take.

Petal watched as the two women shook hands.

“Thanks, but as much as I appreciate the invite, I’m not going to leave my daughter with strangers.”

Kim held her hands up. “I totally understand and I wouldn’t either.”

Petal didn’t even need to guess what was going to happen next. Kim was used to getting what she wanted. In a few days’ time, she had a feeling the whole club was going to descend on the diner and Tanya would have met everyone, which meant they were no longer strangers.

Kim went back to her seat, and Tanya turned toward her. “I’m not going to hear the end of this, am I?”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “No, you’re not.”

Tanya sighed.

“You’re not apprehensive because they’re … bikers, are you?”

“Petal, I don’t care about that. Leanna is my little girl, and I’m not comfortable leaving her alone to have a night out, especially when I can have one with my little girl, doing our hair, watching movies, and ordering pizza.”

She smiled at Tanya. “Sounds great.”

“It really is, at least to me. I don’t know if anyone will understand.”

Tanya picked up the sugar containers, and Petal got back to work. It was a long day, even after the lunch rush, and she had to wipe down all the tables. There were customers stopping by throughout the day, followed by the dinner rush.

