Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“What are you doing hanging out here?”

Dirty looked up to see Skull and Rooster heading toward him. They had just turned up on their bikes, but he’d been too distracted by all the shit with Petal to even notice them.

“Taking some fresh air, why the fuck do you care?”

Skull and Rooster burst out laughing, but he wasn’t interested in hearing any more of their shit. What he needed was a stiff drink. Instead, he was going to get coffee, and a constant reminder of how much he fucked up.

When Petal told him she thought she might be pregnant, he’d panicked. He’d been her first. It had come as a fucking surprise to him as well. In all his life he never caused any of the women he’d been with any kind of pain. Petal had been a first for him. Even now, sitting at the diner, he was transported back to that night on the cruise. He and Petal had spent the whole day together.

It hadn’t been an arduous task either, spending time with her. The more time he spent with her, the more he liked her. She wasn’t clingy or needy, nor did she hang off him and beg for his cock. The cruise made him realize he had spent way too much time around the club pussy. He was more used to women offering themselves to him. He loved the free pussy. Loved that with a snap of his fingers he could have any woman he wanted.

Petal wasn’t like that. She genuinely laughed at his jokes, and leaned her head against him. There was no come-on. Nothing. She was a breath of fresh air and he’d not even realized he was drowning in his life.

Petal wasn’t just any woman. She had been different from the start. He should have known she was a virgin, but it had still come as a shock to him to discover the truth. Now there was no turning back.

Dirty had every intention of keeping his distance. Only, one taste hadn’t been enough. Nor had a second or third. Before he knew what was happening, he’d been loving sneaking around, being with her, wanting her. Knowing he could have the best of both worlds. Only for it to come crashing down around him when she told him she was pregnant.

Then, he fucked up. He opened his big mouth and broke her heart.

Even as he asked her if the child was his, he knew it was. Petal was no liar and certainly no cheater. The pain in her eyes, fuck, that would stay with him forever. He hurt her more asking if he was the father than when he first penetrated her.

Petal had shaken her head, tears glistening in her eyes. Rather than argue with him, she’d turned away from him and walked away. She stopped taking his calls, didn’t respond to his texts.

Then, he’d heard the gunshots, saw her on the ground. Two bullets. He’d known in that moment that if they were not the luckiest people, she was going to lose the baby, and she did.

Since she had gotten out of the hospital, she refused to see him. She didn’t acknowledge he existed. Nothing he did got her attention. Even now, while Rosalie served their table, constantly being grabbed by Colt, Petal was serving other customers.

They had gotten the diner back up and running, and from what he heard, it was finally turning over a profit again. When there had been a vote at club church to give Rosalie and Petal full access to the diner, and funds to make it work, he’d been dubious. Both women had been waitresses for a few years, but he didn’t know if they were capable of running the show. He was wrong. With Burto as chef, and the girls knowing what customers liked, the place was thriving, even at breakfast. He knew the girls had also offered Burto his chance to add to the menu as well.

There was also a vote each week by the regular customers of what they would like to see on the menu for the following week. So far, Burto’s meals were good, but they hadn’t wowed the customers. It didn’t seem to bother the cook, not that Burto would make waves. He was solid with the club.

Petal worked her way around the diner, keeping a safe distance from all of them. He watched as she moved. The uniform she wore was getting too big on her. There was a time it had been a little too tight. Even when she and Rosalie changed uniforms, it had fit Petal like a second skin. It didn’t matter what she wore, she was always going to be stunning to him.

He didn’t like the weight loss. That meant she wasn’t eating. He didn’t have to worry about who was taking care of her when Rosalie lived with her, but now she was with Colt. They were giving their marriage a try, and Petal had no one. Her parents were freaking useless. She had been taking care of herself long before now.

