Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

And this is why he would never stop hunting the Evil Fuckers MC. Even when he was freezing his balls off outside, he’d be there riding, stalking, hunting. Prepared to do what needed to be done to hurt anyone who dared take on the club.

They had taken so much from the club, including Colt’s little sister, Warden and Kim’s only daughter. None of the club had been able to save her.

He knew he had immense guilt at not being there that day, but it didn’t matter what they did or didn’t do, he would have guilt. Hannah had been a little sweetheart, loved and adored by the whole club. Her loss had been felt. Dirty missed her.

“You’re going to be a good dad. One hell of a father, and any kid that gets you, they should count themselves lucky. Anyone that gives you shit, tell them to come and answer to me. I’ll take care of them.”

Colt laughed. “You’re a good friend, man. Thanks.”

Dirty nodded.

Colt didn’t know what happened between him and Petal. The brother knew he’d kept her occupied, just as he was asked to do. Colt had needed Petal out of the way, and Dirty had done that. The consequences of that, Colt did not know.

“I better go.” Colt finished making tea for himself and Rosalie, and he also had the box of crackers.

A simple head nod his way, and Dirty watched him leave.

Colt was doing this the right way. Dirty handled shit the wrong way.

Finishing off his shit coffee, he grabbed his keys and headed out into the cold. He went straight to his bike and couldn’t help but notice Myth’s bike was missing.

There was nothing going on with Myth and Petal. The brother had returned home last night, which was good. Dirty didn’t know if he’d have been able to leave that shit alone.

Shaking his head, he pushed all the bad thoughts out of his mind and instead focused on the now, on getting his job done.

Myth could leave the clubhouse whenever he wanted. He didn’t need him to give him permission. Riding out of the clubhouse, he made his way along the dirt road, heading toward the diner. On the first ride, he passed the main diner, but he was aware of Myth’s bike in the parking lot, along with Petal’s car. There were a few other cars as well.

Ever since Rosalie and Petal had taken over, the diner had become a beacon for customers. There were still times when families didn’t want the MC there, but the food and new owners seemed to have calmed their fears. It also helped that Burto was a much better cook than Al had been.

From what he could tell, according to Warden, it had been a good investment for the club. Dirty didn’t much care what kind of investment it was, or if it was good for the club. It kept Petal close.

He revved the engine of his bike a little more, trying to rid those feelings from his body. He didn’t know when he went from not giving a fuck to suddenly caring. There was nothing he could do about it, even though he tried.

The patrol lasted for a good two hours. He parked at secluded zones and kept an eye on traffic. Not only did he pay attention to the type of vehicles coming and going, but his surroundings.

Everything was telling them the Evil Fuckers MC was gone. Kaput. There was no sign of them.

Everything in his gut was telling him something wasn’t right. There were not enough bodies and the only way to be safe from the Evil Fuckers MC, was to have them all six feet under.

After another hour of patrolling, the call of hunger was too great, and he made his way back toward the diner. He was too hungry to head to the clubhouse, and besides, until the end of the shift, he was on protection detail.

Parking his bike, he paused as he caught sight of Myth’s bike still in the main fucking parking lot. Now he was pissed. Didn’t the club brother have something more important to do?

They had fucked up once before, letting one of the men who beat the shit out of Rosalie just walk outside the fucking door. Dirty was not going to make that mistake again.

Gritting his teeth, he climbed off his bike and made his way inside, taking note of the people. He immediately caught sight of Petal. She was standing beside Myth’s table, and he didn’t like what he saw. Something Myth said had made her laugh, and it wasn’t one of those forced laughs the club pussy used either. This was a full-on smile, and it grated on his nerves. Petal hadn’t smiled at him like that since she had told him she was pregnant.

