Bridget’s Bane – Icehome Read Online Ruby Dixon

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 106646 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 533(@200wpm)___ 427(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

Hannah nods and goes back to work. "Go ahead and head in. Might as well put a revolving door in here for all the foot traffic that baby gets," she grumbles, separating stacks of roots.

Raven's lips twitch with amusement as she looks over at me, and then we duck into the main part of Veronica's hut, separated from the antechamber by a large double-flap of leather that poses as her door. Inside Veronica's tidy hut, I'm surprised to see that Daisy's already there.

My nemesis. It figures.

I keep a frozen smile on my face as Daisy looks up at us in surprise. Her arms are full of baby and blankets, while Veronica yawns and relaxes on her bed, watching with a sleepy expression. She does look tired, I have to admit. Just a quick peek at the little guy, and then we'll be on our way, I decide. "Hope you don't mind a bit more company," I say cheerfully. "We wanted to come and see how the two of you are doing."

Veronica beams, her expression tired but happy. "He's such a good baby. And strong, too."

Daisy brings him over to us, and Raven puts her arms out. I notice Daisy is reluctant to hand him over, her expression full of yearning. "He really is beautiful, Veronica," Daisy says softly. "What did you say you were calling him again?"

"Katamneas is a bit of a mouthful," Veronica replies. "Ashtar tells me all the greats in his people have long names. We're calling him Kata for short, though."

"Kata's cute," I offer, watching as Raven takes the baby into her arms. Little Kata is absolutely enormous, I realize again, and it startles me to think of Veronica giving birth to such a gargantuan baby. It seems like he's grown overnight, his arms and legs chubby and studded with tiny, blunted spikes in a mimic of his father's. He's got the same golden skin that Ashtar does, but his hair is ridiculously thick and sticks straight up, a shock of deep brown like Veronica's. He opens his khui-blue eyes and watches us so intently that you can almost see the wheels turning in his little mind, and then he lifts one fist to his mouth and begins to chew on it, eyes closing.

Raven makes a soft sound. "He's so beautiful, Veronica. Seriously." She rubs Kata's fat little cheek. "You must be so proud."

"We are. He's smart, too." She beams at us, and Daisy discreetly exits the room with a little wave goodbye to Veronica. I can't say I'm sorry to see her leave, and then I feel a bit guilty that I'm such an asshole to her.

But seriously. There are a bunch of men on the beach. Why did she have to go after A'tam?

Determined not to let that man ruin my mood this early in the day, I reach out and touch Kata's little hand. Baby fingers are incredibly tiny as it is, but his little fingernails look like the black claws of his father, a bit fearsome to see on a newborn. "Do you need mittens for him? These look like they could scratch an eye out."

Veronica chuckles. "Daisy offered to make me some."

"That's nice of her," Raven murmurs, nudging me with her elbow as she bounces the baby.

I say nothing. Of course Daisy's already on it. Daisy's perfect. Not that I'm a great seamstress, but I can use a damn needle. It's fine, I tell myself. I'll just sneak away later and vent my frustrations on my pottery. I have a new batch I'm “slow cooking” over coals right now, and I have high hopes for it.

Veronica sits up, adjusting her tunic. "Here, I'll take him. He's hungry."

I glance over at the placid baby, who looks like he's about to fall asleep. He doesn't look hungry at all. If anything, he—

Kata lets out a little whimper, his mouth working, and then he begins to cry.

"Wow. Your mother's intuition is pretty good," Raven says, impressed. She moves to Veronica's side and hands her the baby, and we watch as the new mom settles him against her breast. "You need anything from us? Snacks? Shrimp tea? Gossip?"

Veronica gives us a tired smile. "I'm good. Once he goes to sleep, I think I'm going to catch up on a nap myself."

There's such a look of contentment on her face that I feel a stab of envy. I glance over at Raven and she's got the same look on her damn face. It's the my-mate-is-awesome-and-we-have-great-sex-and-now-babies look.

In this moment, I hate the world and everyone in it. Maybe I need to go pound some clay. If they're going to do more games, I can probably get away from everyone and focus on my pottery. "Yeah, I think I'm going to go, too. I've got some stuff I'm working on."

