Breathing (Ruined #6) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Ruined Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 37
Estimated words: 33998 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 170(@200wpm)___ 136(@250wpm)___ 113(@300wpm)

I walked over to the kid. He smelled like piss and shit, and fuck, it smelled bad. Joey passed me a wooden bat, and I hummed, tapping it on my palm. “Did you grab this from their house?” I asked, eyeing the blood on it. Murderous rage pulsed through me, but I shoved it back down. That rage had no place here—not anymore.

I got my vengeance. It was time for Ink to get his for what happened to Jessie.

The boy shook his head at us, snot all over his face as he cried. I wasn’t sure if he’d ever stopped since he was dragged out of that basement.

I cocked my head to the side. “Tell me, boy, did you drive that car into the back of that SUV and then pass this bat off to your daddy?” I asked him.

Vern snatched the bandana down from his mouth, and he screamed in pain when it yanked some of his teeth out with it. Blood spilled down his chin, and the rage simmering in my gut settled at the sight of it.

“I asked you a question,” I calmly reminded him.

He nodded, his lips trembling. I chuckled and looked over at Ink, passing him the bat. He arched a brow at me. The boy was pleading now, but we ignored him. “Get your revenge, brother. He was the driver, remember?”

Ink grunted, a darkness taking over his features that would chill a normal man to his bones. But I just clapped a hand to his back and moved out of his way, letting him have his moment.

And when I heard bone snap under the weight of that bat, I smiled.



By the time we got back to the clubhouse, my adrenaline had long since worn off, and I was exhausted. I was craving a hot shower and my bed.

My muscles popped as I swung my leg over my bike, and my shoulders ached as I reached up to unbuckle the strap holding my helmet in place.

“I think I’m getting too old for this shit,” I grunted as I fell into step beside Vern.

Vern chuckled. “I don’t think you’re the only one feeling the ache.” He nodded his head in the direction of Ink, who was walking in front of us beside Joey. “Pretty sure his arms and shoulders are hurting from swinging that baseball bat around.”

I snorted. “I for sure, at one point, thought he was going to smack that boy’s head right off his shoulders.”

Vern barked out a laugh before we walked into the clubhouse. He clapped a hand to my shoulder before departing, heading toward his own room down the back hall. I headed up the stairs, keeping my steps light and quiet so I wouldn’t disturb anyone sleeping. It was late as fuck—honestly almost time for dawn to break over the horizon and light the world up.

Cannon was asleep when I walked into the room, her lips parted the slightest bit. Her chest rose and fell in even breaths, soothing me in a way nothing else could. To know she was alive and safe within the walls of my room was something I could never be grateful enough for. She was resting on her back, propped up against the pillows a bit so she would be a little more comfortable.

Unable to help myself, I walked over and gently ran my hand over her hair before leaning down to gently press my lips to hers. She didn’t even stir, her pain medication keeping her out of it. Hopefully, it also meant she wasn’t in any pain—or at least, very little—while she slept. She needed all the rest she could get if she was ever going to get better and heal completely.

I toed my boots off by the bed before padding to the bathroom. I didn’t turn on the light until after the door was shut just in case it disturbed her. After stripping out of my clothes, I turned the shower on and brushed my teeth while the water heated. I knew I wasn’t going to be fucked to do it once I got out of the shower. That hot water was going to make me sleepy as hell.

When the hot water from the shower hit my back, all I wanted to do was sink to the floor and just let it beat down on me. Hell, maybe even just fall asleep under the spray of water. It was so fucking warm, and it was easing the ache in my muscles.

Yawning, I forced myself to wash my hair and bathe quickly. I needed rest, and Joey had already assured us he wasn’t calling church until everyone was awake on their own. We needed the fucking rest. The events of the past few days had been taxing on not just my body, but my mind, too. I was sure everyone else felt the same. Especially Ink. Lord fucking knew he’d gone through enough when it came to losing Jessie.

