Breaking Hollywood Read Online Samantha Towle

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 91840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

He’s staring at me. There’s a multitude of emotions in his eyes. But I’m not sure where his head is.

“It doesn’t change how you see me?” His words are almost a whisper.

“Only that I see all of you now. And it makes you even more amazing in my eyes.”

He looks confused. Like he can’t make sense of the words I said. “And you still want to be with me, even after knowing that I used to fuck women for money?”

“Can’t say I like to hear about you fucking other women in general, so let’s not say that anymore.” I step closer to him. “But, yes, Gabe, I still want to be with you. Nothing in this world could make me not want to be with you. Apart from if you cheated on me. Because then I would have to chop your dick off, and that wouldn’t be good ’cause I’d have to go to jail. Or you stole money from me, which would be weird ’cause it’s not exactly like you need it. Or if you—”


“Stop rambling, I know. I don’t mean to. I just—”

“I love you.”


He steps into my body and takes my face in his hands. “I love you. I’m in love with you or what-the-fuck-ever you want to call it. I’m in it with you.”

He loves me.

Tears well in my eyes. And my heart is going crazy in my chest right now. “I love you, too. You know that, right?”

A smile edges his lips. “I do now.”

Then, he kisses me so hard and passionately that it knocks the breath from my lungs.

He presses his forehead to mine. “How did I get so lucky to find you?”

“I ran you over with my car.”

“And being with you is worth the broken foot, Speedy.”

“I think that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

He tips his head back, staring into my eyes. “And me just telling you that I’m in love with you wasn’t?”

“Of course it was. I meant, that’s the second sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

He pulls me into his arms. “Nice save.”

“I thought so.”

He chuckles softly and holds me even tighter. And I don’t ever want him to let go.


It’s eight thirty a.m., and I’ve just climbed back into Gabe’s bed after letting Gucci out onto the terrace to do her morning business. I’m snuggled into his warm body when the intercom starts to ring.

“It’s probably the cleaners.” Gabe sighs. “I’ll go let them in.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll go. I move faster than you do anyway.”

“Not for much longer.” He swats my ass as I get out of bed.

I speed walk out of his bedroom, jog over to the intercom, and pick the receiver up. “Good morning, Harry.”

“Good morning, Miss Ava. The cleaners are here.”

“Let them up, please.”

I hang up the receiver and go back into the bedroom.

“It is the cleaners,” I say, but I’m talking to myself, as the bed’s empty. I hear water running in the bathroom.

When I go in the bathroom, he’s at the sink, brushing his teeth, with the faucet going.

“Is it the cleaners?” he asks in between brushing.


“Cool. Well, get your ass ready because I’m taking you out.”

“You are?”

He spits and rinses his brush under the faucet. “Yep. We’re going out for breakfast.”

“Like a date?”

“Yes, Speedy, like a date.”

“You’ve never taken me on a date before.”

He comes close and slides his arms around my waist. I press my hands to his bare chest and gaze up at him.

“I’m well aware of that fact. Hence, I’m taking you out for our first date today. To rectify me being a bad boyfriend.”

“You’re not a bad boyfriend.”

“I am. But I’m working on being a better one for you.”

“No need. You’re perfect as you are.”

“Even when I’m being an ass?”

I slide my hands to his butt and give his cheeks a squeeze. “Even then.”

He smiles and leans down to give me a minty kiss.


“Can I have pancakes on our breakfast date?” I ask him.

“You can have whatever you want.”

He gives me one more kiss and then goes and turns the shower on.

I brush my teeth while he takes off the boot and his boxer shorts, and then he climbs under the spray.

I finish brushing and put my toothbrush back. “I’m going to get a shower,” I tell him.

“Get in here with me.”

“No way.” I laugh. “I get in there with you, and I know what’ll happen. And I am definitely not having sex with you while the cleaners are here.”

He laughs and pokes his head around the shower screen. “Come on, baby. Get in the shower with me.”


“I’ve got something for you. It’s about nine inches, and it loves your pussy a whole lot.” He palms his cock, knowing I can see through the glass.

“You’re a deviant.”

He grins seductively at me.

My clit throbs.

“I’m going!”

I bolt out the door to the sound of his laughter.

