Breaking Hollywood Read Online Samantha Towle

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 91840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

“And what do you want?” She grins and runs her tongue up the length of my cock.

“Suck it. Now.”

She opens up her mouth, and I push her head down onto my cock, sliding in between those sexy red lips.

“Fuck yeah,” I groan.

Her hand goes to cup my balls, rolling them, as she relaxes her throat and moves further onto my cock, taking over two-thirds of it in.

And I’m big, so it’s a lot of cock for her to take.

She’s fucking incredible. She deep-throats like a champ.

Knowing where her limit is, after doing this a good few times now, I start to fuck her mouth, my hands holding either side of her head.

“Shit, that’s good, baby. So fucking good.”

She wraps her fingers around the base of my cock, gripping it just like I love, and continues teasing my balls.

Again with that fucking word love!

But, Jesus, fuck, this is good. Too good.

I could yell out right now that I loved her, and I don’t think I’d give a shit. Especially not while she’s working my dick over like a porn star.

Dots start to dance in front of my eyes. I close them, my hips jacking up and down, as I fuck her mouth.

“You’re so fucking hot and dirty, and you suck me so good, Ava.”

Heat licks up my spine, and my quad muscles start to tighten.

Fuck, I’m close. I don’t normally come this quick from a blow job, but when she puts her mouth around my cock, I shoot like a teenage boy.

She pulls off my cock, needing a breather, and she starts jacking me with her hand. Then, she’s back on my cock, taking me in deep again, and I let her do her thing.

She sucks hard, fingers squeezing the base of my cock.

“Fuck yeah, keep doing that. Shit, yeah, that’s good.” I press my head back into the pillow.

She runs her fingernail over that sensitive part of skin right at the base of my cock at the same time as she takes my cock all the way in. I blow like a rocket, coming in her mouth.

And I keep coming.

And coming.

And she takes it all. Finishing me off with a kiss on the tip of my cock.

I lift my heavy arm over my eyes.

“You okay?” She giggles.

I move my arm. “Come here.”

She climbs on top of me, and I wrap my arms around her.

“That was astro-fucking-nomical.” I kiss her forehead.

She giggles. “I figured I owed you after last night, in the kitchen.”

“Babe, you didn’t owe me anything. I love making you come.”

Like! For fuck’s sake, Evans! You like making her come.

“I know. I just wanted to make you feel good.”

“Well, you definitely did that.”

“I bet I look like a clown right now.”

I tip her face up to me. She’s got red lipstick smeared around her mouth.

I kiss her. “You look gorgeous.”

“I look a mess.”

She goes to get up, but I stop her.

“Where are you going?”

“To wipe this lipstick off.”

“No, you’re not.”

She raises a brow. “I’m not?”

“Nope. You’re staying right here, and I’m going to kiss that lipstick off your face while my cock kisses your pussy.”


“That was code for, I’m going to fuck you.”

“I got that. I’m just surprised you think you can go again. You literally just came, Gabe.”

I shake my head, disappointed. “You doubt me, Speedy? I’m a little insulted. We’ve been fucking for three weeks now, and you still haven’t figured out that I’m a machine in bed. Clearly, I’ve not been doing my job properly.”

“Oh, you’ve been doing your job just fine. It’s just impossible, Gabe. No one can get hard again that quick after just coming, let alone come again so soon. No matter how good they are in bed.”

My eyes narrow at her. Then, I pull her down to the bed and roll on top of her. “Challenge accepted,” I say.

Then, I cover her mouth with mine and get to work.


“Okay, fine. I was wrong,” I pant, breathless.

“I’m sorry, what?” He cups his ear, like he didn’t hear me, when the smug bastard heard exactly what I just said.

“I said, I was wrong. You clearly are superhuman when it comes to sex.”

“Damn right I am, baby. And, wait, I need to get my camera, so I can have it on film—you admitting that you’re wrong.”

I give him the middle finger, and he bursts out laughing. A full-on belly laugh, and it’s one of the best sounds I’ve ever heard.

And I can’t help but laugh, too.

He reaches over, cupping my face, and brings my mouth to his. He softly kisses me. “You rock in the sack, too, Speedy. I’ve never had it as good as I do with you.”

When I hear that, my stomach flips over, but I play it cool. “Well, that’s ’cause I’m the best. And, if you put the best and the best together, you’re going to get spectacular sex.”

