Breaking Hollywood Read Online Samantha Towle

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 91840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

With my other hand, I pull her top down. She’s wearing a bra, which is annoying. I’m going to have to remind her of the no-bra rule but not right now. Right this second, I have more important things to do.

I shove her bra out of the way and start to tease her nipple between my thumb and finger.

She moans a hot, breathy sound. Her legs are trembling. My dick is rock hard against her back.

I fucking love the sounds she makes when she’s turned on. The way she says my name with a mindless need.

I push another finger inside her, thrusting them in and out.

“God, Gabe.”

“That’s it, baby. Come on my hand. I wanna hear you scream my name.”

I suck her earlobe into my mouth, and her hips jerk against my hand, seeking more pressure.

I press my palm to her pussy, rubbing it hard against her clit.

“Gabe…please…I need…”

I pinch her nipple, and it sets her off like a rocket.

She screams my name, her pussy grinding against my hand, while she rides out her orgasm.

Making her come satisfies me in a way nothing ever has before. I don’t care if I don’t come—well, of course I care, but I care more about getting her off.

She goes slack in my arms. I put my arm around her waist, holding her up.

She turns her dazed eyes to me.

I love that just-come look in them that’s there because of me.


Her mouth reaches up and softly kisses me.

I’m crazy about her.

The buzzer goes on the intercom, telling me that security is calling. Meaning Julian’s here.

Jesus, that was quick. What did the fucker do? Run here?

“It’ll be Julian,” I tell her.

I carefully pull my fingers from inside her and remove my hand from her panties. She pulls her bra and top back up, and I smooth her skirt down.

“He got here quick.”

“No kidding.”

“You might want to get rid of that before you let Julian up.” She grins down at my visible erection. She goes over to the sink, pumps some soap onto her hands, and turns on the tap. “And you might want to wash your hands.”

“No need.” I run my tongue up the palm of my hand, licking her come from it, and then I slip the fingers that were inside her into my mouth, sucking her from them.

I chuckle at the scandalous look on her face.

“Delicious.” I grin.

Then, I rearrange my dick in my pants and leave the kitchen to let Julian up while I think of every non-sexy thing I can to get my hard-on to go down.


“So, you ran over his foot with your car?” Julian laughs.

“Yeah.” Speedy winces, a small smile on her lips.

“And broke his foot?”


“Her car is huge.” I size out with my hands.

“What car do you have?” Julian looks at Speedy.

She glances at me, a smile creeping onto her face.

Don’t you fucking dare, babe.

“A tank.”

Julian looks at me and then back at Speedy, and then he bursts out laughing. “God, she must like you if she’s willing to lie for you!”

“Vaughn, the fucking asshole.” I narrow my eyes.

“Of course he called me to tell me you got your foot broken by a tiny car!”

“They might look small, but they weigh a fucking ton!”

Julian is belly-laughing, and Speedy joins in with him.

“Bastards.” I frown. “The pair of you are total bastards.”

“Aw, babe. We’re just teasing.” Speedy leans over and plants a kiss on my cheek.

I see Julian’s brows go up in question.

I haven’t told him that Speedy and I are sleeping together. Well, dating. That she’s my girlfriend. Not that I’ve told her that. I mean, asked her.

Fuck. Am I back in high school?

When he arrived, I introduced them, and Julian remembered her from that time we all met in the club—you know, the meeting I pretended to forget—which made me feel like a total shit when I saw how happy it made her that Julian had remembered her. And that was it. They were off gossiping together like a pair of long-lost friends.

Turns out, Speedy is a big fan of his show. Her friend Logan got her into it.

Good thing Julian likes dick, or I might be getting jealous with how well they’re getting along.

The pizza is gone, and the game has finished, but I hardly got to watch it because Speedy and Julian were too busy talking. But, honestly, I didn’t even mind, which is weird because I hate it when I watch a game and it gets interrupted.

What is this woman doing to me?

“So, you two are dating?” Julian says to us both.

Speedy looks at me, a question in her eyes.

I keep my eyes on her. “Yeah, we are.”

The smile that lifts her lips lights up my insides. And my dick instantly wants to party with her pussy.

Saying those words out loud has just made this thing I have with her even more real. And I like it. A fuck of a lot.

