Breaking Hollywood Read Online Samantha Towle

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 91840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)


“Hey, Miss Ava.” It’s Harry. “The cleaners are here.”

“Oh. Do you know if they are scheduled to come today?”

“Every Monday and Friday,” Harry tells me.

“Oh, right. Well, send them on up. Thanks, Harry.”

I replace the receiver and then look around the place. It’s pretty tidy. I’ve been keeping on top of it, but I still walk around, tidying things up before the cleaners arrive. I move the sports magazine that Gabe left on the sofa to the top of a neat pile on the coffee table. I take his empty coffee cup into the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher.

I’ve just shut the dishwasher door when I hear activity in the foyer.

I head through the apartment to introduce myself.

There are two women. One older, one younger. And they both look surprised to see me.

“Hi,” I say, lifting my hand in a wave. “I’m Ava.”

The older woman smiles warmly. “Nice to meet you, Ava. I’m Barb, and this is Sadie.” She points to the younger woman.

Looking at her, I’m pegging her to be around my age, maybe a little younger.

She doesn’t smile. Just regards me with narrow eyes.

She’s a really pretty girl. Brown hair tied up into a messy bun. Taller than me. Slender figure. Clear, fresh skin.

The way she’s staring at me is starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

Maybe she thinks I’m with Gabe. And maybe she likes Gabe.

Can’t blame the girl. I mean, who doesn’t like him? Dude is hot as hell. And he’s a movie star to boot. Just a shame about his crude mouth and disgusting smoking habit.

“Gabe’s just in the office,” I tell them, moving my eyes back to Barb. “I’m not his girlfriend or anything. Just a friend. He broke his foot. I’m here, taking care of him, until he’s healed.”

“Oh no,” Barb says. “How’d he do that?”

“Oh, I did it. I hit him with my car.”

Barb’s eyes widen, and I hear Sadie snigger.

“No, I mean, I ran over his foot with my car by accident. Total accident.”

Jesus Christ, Ava.

“Oh, well, so long as he’s okay,” Barb says kindly.

“He’s fine. Absolutely fine. Only two bones broken, first and second metatarsals. He’ll be back to new in six to eight weeks.”

Jesus, I’m sweating.

“Right. Well”—I clap my hands together—“I guess…I’ll leave you to it.”

I turn on my heel and go to the terrace where Gucci is still lying in the same place as I left her.

“Come on, baby girl.” I scoop her up into my arms, and she snuggles in close.

I walk quickly through the living room where Sadie and Barb have started cleaning, and I head to the office.

The door is closed, so I tap on it and push it open.

Gabe is staring at his computer screen. And he’s wearing his glasses.

Good God, he looks sexy. Really sexy. Like hot, nerdy whiz kid who’s really a superhero by night.

A superhero who gives amazing orgasms to women. Well, me.

Ha! Keep dreaming, Simms.

He moves his eyes to me.

I clear my throat. “The cleaners are here,” I tell him.


I move into the room and shut the door behind me. I take a seat in the chair in the corner.

“You staying?” He raises a brow.

“I feel weird out there with the cleaners here.”

His lips lift. “Why?”

“I don’t know.” I shrug.

“Okay.” His eyes go back to his computer screen.

“I like your glasses. They suit you.”

His response is a nod.

I scratch Gucci’s head, and she lets out a soft, “Baaahhh.”

“Whatcha doing?” I ask him.


“Oh. What on?”

He looks back to me. “Work.”

I stretch my legs out and look at my bare feet. My toenails could do with a fresh coat of varnish on them. The red I painted on is starting to chip. Maybe I’ll do that once the cleaners are gone.

“How long will they be here for?” I ask Gabe.

“The cleaners? A few hours or so.”

I lean my head back on the headrest and stare up at the ceiling.

I’m so bored.

I really need to get out today.

I look over at Gabe, who’s squinting at his screen. “Do you want to go out today?”

He sighs and leans back in his desk chair. “Where do you want to go, Speedy?”

“I don’t know. Anywhere. We could just go out and get some fresh air.”

“You’re not going to let me work until we go out, are you?”

I smile wide.

“Fine. But I’m bringing work with me. I need to start learning this script.”

“Can I help?”

“Yes, Speedy, you can help.”

“Cool. So, where shall we go?”

“I have just the place.”

“Can Gucci come?”

He sighs. “Yes, Speedy, the goat can come.”


I pull Gabe’s car to a stop on a roadside outside a field in Beverly Glen.

“This is where you want to go?”


“A field?”


“Well, I guess Gucci will like it here. But can I ask, why have we come to a field?”

I was thinking he meant like a café or something when he said he had somewhere for us to go.

