Breakaway (Reigns Brothers #1) Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Reigns Brothers Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 133886 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 669(@200wpm)___ 536(@250wpm)___ 446(@300wpm)

“I can’t ever be seen with you. My family would never forgive me.”

Greer’s blond brows crinkled. He took a couple of powerful, determined strides toward Dallas. The predator was back in his gait. Greer’s lips pressed together, showing he didn’t understand. How could he? Those were secrets Dallas had never shared with anyone.

If his own blood didn’t want him, how could he expect anyone else to?

“I’m not sure I believe they would. You’re all very close.” Greer challenged the façade he held in place.

“No.” Dallas shook his head and lifted the towel. The lifelong shame that had taken a brief hiatus came rushing back, somehow stronger. The incrimination staggered him under the heavy, emotional weight.

“Tell me, Dallas.” Greer’s voice changed to a soft encouragement as he came within a foot of Dallas. The tone promised everything would work out as it should.

Dallas didn’t want to say. Greer had it all. He didn’t get hung up on things like family opinion. He started around Greer, heading toward the bedroom. He needed to dress and go home. Greer’s arm shot out, blocking his retreat.

“Tell me what I’m competing with.”

The weight of the world sat heavily on Dallas’s shoulder, kicking its dangling feet in a renewed exuberance. Turmoil had him looking over at Greer. He was everything Dallas had ever wanted in life. Desire, commitment, and friendship stood within his grasp.

Dallas had to force his gaze away for fear of getting lost in Greer’s amber depths. His heart drummed in his chest as he scanned the dazzling surroundings that represented Greer’s unparalleled success. Things like this stunning backyard and magnificent home all happened when a person lived by their convictions, not their doubts.

He shook his head before his thoughts sucked him under. Whatever Greer declared he wanted would come to an end. Greer wasn’t the kind of man to hide from anything.

Greer watched Dallas then slowly schooled his expression. A trick Dallas had used himself. “You’re eventually going to have to tell me, Dallas. Until then, I’m sorry I lost my cool.”

The strong-arm holding Dallas in place, curved and wrapped around his waist. Greer didn’t pull him forward or come closer. It was a tentative hold. Something new for Greer. The past week leading up to right now had been hard, perhaps on both of them. He’d never considered Greer’s feelings, only his own.

Damn, he didn’t want to hurt Greer. Dallas’s chin hit his chest. His truth tumbled from his lips. “It’s easier for me to take this day by day without looking forward. I’ll always have to be careful being seen with you. It seems an awful lot to ask from someone who bends life to fit his will.”

Greer stepped into Dallas, crowding him, helping to bring some much-needed positive relief. “I don’t always get what I want. I compromise more than you know. I want you, Dallas. I’ll play by your rules… I’ll try. I have a full steam ahead approach to life, so you’ll have to remind me when you become uncomfortable. We can see where this is headed while locked behind these walls. When we’re out in the world, we’re friends.” Greer waited for Dallas to look at him. Dallas agreed, finally giving a nod.

“I’m sorry,” Dallas whispered.

“No, I’m sorry. You might not believe this, but I’ve tried not to push you. Then you were great company and easy to be around and so fucking sexy,” Greer said, staying inches from Dallas.

“That’s what I think about you.” Dallas angled his head, scanning Greer’s face as he spoke the words. “You’re charming and hard to stay away from.”

“Then I believe you owe me a blow job and a promise to sleep here tonight.” It took a second for Dallas to roll his eyes and wrap an arm around Greer’s shoulders, pulling him close.

“I like being honest with you,” Dallas murmured. Greer adjusted his position, staying in the circle of Dallas’s arm while starting them toward the bedroom.

“Good. Just continue to be.”

Dallas hoped it was that easy.


The vibration underneath Greer’s pillow had his tired, gritty eyes opening wide. The Dallas-infused insomnia of the last few days was catching up with him. Forty-eight hours ago, Greer had engaged in the biggest athletic competition of his life. The adrenaline high of his great win and the resulting prize of gaining his heart’s desire had taken their toll. The stiff, aching muscles had finally set in. Did rigor mortis only happen after death? His brain was a funky place.

The room was dark. Way too early for any living human being to be awake. He lay on his side with the warmth of Dallas’s broad chest and strong arms wrapped securely around his body. The whole disastrous situation of waking at such an ungodly hour was made instantly better with Dallas by his side. Greer’s own arms were tangled with Dallas’s, as were his legs. No surprise there. Apparently even in the depths of deep sleep, Greer held on firmly for fear this extraordinary man might try to leave him…again.

