Breakaway (Reigns Brothers #1) Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Reigns Brothers Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 133886 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 669(@200wpm)___ 536(@250wpm)___ 446(@300wpm)


The incessant rattle and corresponding hum of his cell phone pulled Dallas from the best sleep of his life. He didn’t have to wake or open his eyes to know where he’d spent the night. The perfect amount of firm versus softness of the mattress that fit both the length and mass of his body spoke of money. When he thought of such an indulgence, Greer Lockhart came instantly to mind.

Dallas opened his eyes and noticed the rumpled covers and the empty spot beside him. He propped himself up on an elbow, scanning the entire room. No sign of Greer. The digital Echo on the nightstand showed nine thirty in the morning. It had been years since he’d slept that late. He dropped his head back down on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling, thinking over everything he’d done last night. His cheeks warmed, remembering how much he’d loved every single minute of his and Greer’s time together.

The very few times he’d let himself visualize sex with a man, he had always pictured himself being a top. The wanton ways he’d begged for Greer to never stop moving inside him sure proved what his fantasy had missed.

How did he feel now? The question was hard to answer. From the safety of this bed, surrounded by Greer’s pretty things, he had no shame, which was weird. But he was certain the inner condemnation would eventually return. Dallas pushed those thoughts aside. He’d deal with them later. No one in his family needed to know what he’d done last night, and right now, he felt alive.

Don’t overthink it.

Dallas flipped the duvet off and rolled to the side of the bed. The tender ache in his ass reminded him of the beauty of their sex. The most amazing night of his entire life. He could get lost in those amber eyes gazing down at him as if he were the only man in Greer’s world. If only that were true. He sighed at the thought, searching the room for his freshly washed clothes. He spotted them neatly folded on a side chair next to a small table.

Greer had called the design of his entire home minimalist. Every item in the house had a purpose. Nothing frivolous just to fill space. Dallas thought it described Greer to a tee. What Greer had was incredibly nice and probably expensive, but no excess of anything. Dallas liked that about Greer. He liked a lot about the stunning man.

Dallas found his cell phone lay on top of his clothes just as it started to vibrate again. Greer had taken care with his things, a sweet and caring gesture. That pushy, arrogant man had been such a gentleman last night.

Stop the romantic thoughts.

Remember: One-night stand.

Instant sorrow and a deep feeling of loss followed that thought.

You’re such a dumbass.

Dallas dropped his head between his shoulder blades and resisted the urge to scold and degrade himself for getting so attached so quickly.

Maybe Greer wasn’t even in the house. His imagination ran rampant in a matter of seconds. Perhaps Greer had left because Dallas had stayed too long. Oh hell. He reached for his phone as the doorbell rang, stealing his frantic gaze from the small screen to the bedroom door. Something made him move faster now, forgoing the phone to quickly dress. Dallas made a mad dash to the bathroom, glad to see the hairbrush and toothbrush he’d used last night after their shared shower were still out. Not much would help keep this longer on top hairstyle back in place, but he gave his teeth a fast scrub.

His best course of action should be to walk through the house to the front door. If he saw Greer, he’d tell him he’d had a good time. If he didn’t see Greer, it was probably designed that way for a reason, and he’d keep going. Dallas opened his Uber app as he left the bedroom. The smell of maple and bacon had his stomach growling as he rounded the corner, heading for the front door. The huge television was on, and several to-go containers took up most of the space on the kitchen island. Greer turned from the cupboards with plates and silverware in his hands as Dallas made his way toward the front entry.

“You’re up. Good Morning.” Fuck, the guy was so damned pretty with his bright smile and bedhead.

“Did I sleep too long?” Dallas asked. Greer left the plates and silverware on the counter, his brow furrowing as he started for Dallas who kept walking toward the front door. “The bed’s comfortable. It’s been a long few days. I guess I needed the sleep.”

“What?” Greer asked in confusion, meeting him in the junction connecting the foyer, living room, and kitchen. He didn’t slow or pause as he came flush against Dallas, placing a strong hand on his arm, balancing as he lifted for a kiss.

