Breakaway (Reigns Brothers #1) Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Reigns Brothers Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 133886 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 669(@200wpm)___ 536(@250wpm)___ 446(@300wpm)

“Regardless, Dallas thinks he’s straight, and we’ll be working with him, so I have to tread lightly and take no as an answer. You know that’s hard for me.” Greer checked his interoffice communication chain to find the link for a prepared speech from his public relations department. His whole day took a hard nosedive. He’d planned to make up these last few lost work hours this evening. “Keep your ears open for me. Don’t let the brothers get frustrated without me knowing.”

“I’m not sure you’ve answered one question I asked.” The buzzer from his landline interrupted him from having to say anything more. The call came from Kailey’s desk, but she stood in front of him. He pushed to accept the call.

“Greer, the Reigns brothers are back with the signed contract. Do you need to see them, or can I take the contract?” Evan, his senior analyst, asked. Good, things were sliding into place nicely if they had already met Evan, their designated senior account analyst.

“I’ll send Kailey down to make copies. Make sure they know you’re heading up their transition team and schedule time for the initial onsite review as soon as possible, this afternoon if you’re all available. Also, have Ducky email me with the details of Saturday’s rematch.” Greer threw the reminder of the competition in to give Dallas something to stew over. He needed every advantage he could get. Playing a mental game was the only gain he had to beat a super athlete like Dallas.

“Will do.” The call ended. Kailey had already vacated his office, leaving his door open this time.

Want, desire, or hell, just needing a final look at the sexy, all dressed up trainer got the best of Greer. He abandoned his document search and went to the railing of the catwalk, overlooking the foyer. The three brothers stood in front of Kailey’s desk and garnered all Greer’s attention.

Although he couldn’t hear a word said, by their actions, he could see Kailey being her normal charming self. She touched Dallas’s arm and laughed at something he said. Someplace deep inside Greer, a foreign place he hadn’t known was there before meeting Dallas, had him wishing he had been the one to coax the smile from the man. He’d place money on the trainer being spectacular company if he wasn’t bowed up so tight.

Greer tucked his hands in his pockets, enjoying the simple pleasure of watching. Dallas’s kindness radiated with every tilt and nod of his head. What a gentleman. As if drawn by his presence, Dallas tilted his head toward Greer. Their gazes connected and held until all three men and his sister turned his way.

Greer didn’t do any of the flirty, suggestive things he’d normally do to a prospective sexual interest. He let the stare be enough.

The air around him crackled. The room quieted until the noise faded. His bond with Dallas grew stronger with each second that passed. He couldn’t deny he felt something deeply for this man. His palms grew sweaty, his heartbeat thumped through his veins, and his breath hitched, making it hard to breathe.

Sanity had Greer nodding an acknowledgement in their direction, then breaking the connection as he turned away from the power of that stare. He could obsess—on people, on projects…on life. He knew that about himself and took steps to rein it in, but this was different. Dallas presented a conundrum: something he wanted badly but was equally afraid to explore too deeply.

He went back to his office, casting a look over his shoulder before he was completely out of view. Dallas still stared after him. Good, at least he felt it too.


Saturday Morning, Two Days Later

“Just do your best, Dallas. Concentrate. This is nothing for you,” Ducky said, coming to stand in the middle of his doorway, his hands tucked in his back jeans pockets.

“Way to wound the ego,” Greer’s grinning face said from the newly installed BikeBro mirror at his home. Donny stood a few feet behind Greer, a wrench in hand.

Yesterday afternoon, after another lengthy text message exchange between Dallas and Greer, Greer had insisted he needed his own mirror to be on equal footing with Dallas for their big competition. Donny had taken one from his house and gone over to Greer’s this morning to do the install personally.

Of course, it made no sense, but since Dallas hadn’t gone more than eight hours without hearing something from Greer, Dallas decided nothing about Greer seemed sensible. So, he went with it because what else did you do with a crazy new investment partner?

Especially the one who had gotten solidly inside Dallas’s head, fucking with him in a massive way. Dallas was utterly exhausted and in way over his head.

“I don’t want you to hold back, Reigns.” Greer stood close to the mirror with athletic gear on, his hands on his hips, looking pretty perfect and pleased with himself.

