Breakaway (Reigns Brothers #1) Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Reigns Brothers Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 133886 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 669(@200wpm)___ 536(@250wpm)___ 446(@300wpm)

“Hi, yes, I remember you. Hang tight, Dallas. Let me see if she’s in.” He wasn’t certain if going back to teaching full time was even an option. Maybe he could pick up some long-term substitute teaching gigs. Then he could actually pay next month’s rent on time.

Dallas unknotted the damp towel around his waist and tossed it over the seat of his bike, going for his closet. He had his underwear on and one foot inside the hole of his athletic shorts when Mrs. Haven answered.

“Dallas, is that really you?” Mrs. Haven asked, sounding genuinely excited to hear from him. She’d always been just like that, truly interested in him and his life. Her greeting felt like a warm hug, even over the phone.

“Yes, ma’am. How are you?” he asked, pulling up his shorts and grabbing a T-shirt.

“I’m fine.” Her bubbly warmth eased his anxiety like a healing balm. A real smile spread across his face. She had been his third-grade teacher, and how he’d met her son, Bennett. They’d been fast friends since then. Grand Prairie ISD had been his first and only choice of school systems to teach in when he’d graduated from college. All because of Mrs. Haven. She felt like home to him. “Did you hear Bennett’s having his second child?”

“No. I didn’t know he had his first child. When did that happen?” he asked, grabbing a pair of socks and his tennis shoes.

“Carver’s almost two and has Jon Haven wrapped around his little finger. Dallas, I have a meeting in ten minutes. Tell me why you’re calling or let me call you back when I’m done.”

“I’m calling because I’m mulling over coming back to teaching. I know it’s the wrong time of year, but maybe a long-term sub position, if anything’s available. I figured you would know best,” he said, dropping down on the edge of his mattress, placing his shoes at his feet.

“Let me see what we have, and I’ll get back to you. You know I never wanted you to leave in the first place,” she reminded him, like she always did when they spoke.

“I know, but a personal trainer makes so much more money,” he replied, like he always did. It just wasn’t enough to sustain their lives and the new business.

“You know, Jon’s retiring soon. I believe he has a couple of coaching positions open. Are you interested?” He could almost hear the wheels turning in her head.

“Sure, I’d be interested.” Athletics had always been his interest. He anchored his phone on his shoulder as he put on each sock. “I’m not trained in any particular sport, but I can condition the heck out of those kids.”

“All right, let me see what I can find. And, Dallas, did you know the Boys & Girls Club is having their dinner fundraiser in two weeks? They’re looking for donations and Grand Prairie has a table. I can get you a seat. You know those ladies love you there. They pay a pretty penny when you’re auctioned off.”

Oh. Yeah. Right. How had he ever let himself forget?

This was where Mrs. Haven shined the brightest. She could get a person to do things they wouldn’t normally do, all in the name of helping the community. The one time he’d been talked into a date-for-the-night auction, he had in fact raised the most money of any single person there—almost eighty dollars.

Maybe it was a good idea to sign up. He’d get a free meal, and some free advertising for BikeBro. And he was smarter this time. He wouldn’t go in blindly. Skye could tag along and buy his time like other couples did.

“You have time to think about it. Is your email the same?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am, and I’ll do the auction again. It’s for a good cause,” he said, shoving his feet inside his shoes.

“Great! I’ll send you the details and reserve your seat. It’s so great to hear from you. I’ll email you this afternoon.” There was a small knock on his bedroom door. He looked over to see Skye peeking her head inside with her eyes screwed tightly closed.

“Are you in here?” Skye asked.

“I’ll look forward to it. Reserve me two seats. I’ll make Skye tag along. Thank you,” Dallas said, his focus still on Skye who kept her eyes closed but looked confused by his response.

“Bye, Dallas.” Mrs. Haven ended the call.

Dallas tossed his phone on the bed then reached for a T-shirt, tugging it over his head and down his chest. “You keep opening my door like that and you’re gonna eventually see more than you bargained for.”

“My eyes were closed.” The door pushed open, and she came fully inside, looking around his room as if she’d never seen it before. “I thought you had a class this morning.”

“I finished. I was going out to find some food. Wanna come?” he asked, tying his laces.

