Breakaway (Reigns Brothers #1) Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Reigns Brothers Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 133886 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 669(@200wpm)___ 536(@250wpm)___ 446(@300wpm)

“He what?” Dallas asked. His frantic gaze collided with Greer’s irritated one as she put a clean napkin in front of him before placing his new glass there.

“My friends suck at having my back.” Greer’s frustration rang in his tone as he gave Marisol the stink-eye.

“So, it did happen?” Dallas encouraged.

Greer gave an exaggerated eye roll and slunk down in his seat as he lifted the glass to his lips. “We need to move. Another strong shove in favor of relocating to Seattle.”

The only thing that could have redirected Dallas’s thoughts from something as worrisome as being robbed was learning Greer had considered relocating. “Move? We haven’t discussed moving to Seattle.”

“It’s a plan formulating right now, and I wasn’t robbed necessarily…” Greer started, but Marisol cut him off with a sharp laugh, one Dallas had only heard once before. That one had been directed toward Greer too.

“Totally robbed,” she confirmed with a single nod, driving her point home.

“Robbed,” Mac agreed, sliding onto the empty stool between them.

“What happened was, I took the alley way home because it shaves about a block off the walk. It was my fault for being lazy. All they got was like twenty bucks,” Greer explained, giving a shrug as if it were nothing and took another drink.

“Don’t forget the right hook,” Marisol added, holding the tray with their used glasses. She circled her eye for Dallas, indicating where Greer took the hit. “His eye was bruised for weeks.”

“Greer…” Dallas started. They had walked to and from many of the restaurants on this street a hundred times now, because Greer insisted it was safe.

“Now, hang on, Dallas.” Greer lifted a hand, stopping him from saying anything more. “During that same time, several people were mugged. Mac hired an undercover off-duty officer who’s out there right now, I’m sure. So, it wasn’t just me and the problem’s solved. Marisol should have never brought it up,” Greer said, swinging his head toward Marisol, giving her a punishing glare as Mac busted out with a hearty, loud laugh.

“He’s telling the truth. We haven’t had another problem,” Marisol added, before turning away from the table. “Probably should’ve hired the officer before there was a problem, right, Mac?”

“Hey, now. Better to keep the focus on Greer,” Mac said, losing the smile, drawing a laugh from anyone in hearing range. “How’s that little baby girl doing?” Mac effectively and completely changed the subject.

Greer never missed a chance to brag on the newest member of the family, Olivia, Kailey’s newborn baby girl. Greer pulled out his phone, quickly working the screen to bring up her latest picture. Kailey was sweet to include Dallas in the picture of the day. Every day, Kailey and Olivia dressed in matching outfits. He and Greer always got a slideshow of how cute the two looked together. Olivia was three months old and already a fashionista in training.

“Kailey feels like Olivia is a mini her, but I’m pretty sure I see a lot of me in that baby girl,” Greer explained, handing his phone to Mac who started scrolling through his pictures.

“You think?” Mac asked, doubtingly.

Greer snapped the cell away as if Mac were too dumb to look any further at his pictures. “No one needs your negative energy.” He lost himself again, staring down at Olivia then lifted his love-struck and slightly inebriated gaze to Dallas. “She looks like me, right?”

“Absolutely,” Dallas nodded, hiding his smile by finishing his drink. Greer nodded his assertion and looked back down at the phone. Dallas started shaking his head no to Mac. Beau marked their baby. She was the spitting image of her father. “We should go. I have work tomorrow.”

“Code for I’m about to get lucky,” Greer said and lifted a hand across the table for a high five. Dallas left him hanging as he pushed off the chair.

“I’m glad you’re home, Greer. Dallas always seems a little lost when you’re out of town,” Marisol said, coming back to the table. She took her job seriously, right there ready to take Dallas’s empty glass.

“I like when we give Greer’s secrets away better than mine,” Dallas said to Greer’s suddenly serious look. Greer didn’t respond with one of his snarky comebacks. His expression turned thoughtful and focused. His gaze remained glued on Dallas as he pulled his wallet free.

“Lovesick,” Mac added, chuckling, and knocking Dallas in his arm. “Did Dallas tell you he took that guy’s money at darts last week? Had the whole place watching them play. He’s a natural born hustler.”

The serious look turned hard and had Greer’s brows dropping into a hard V. Those amber eyes became laser beams as he said his teasing words. “You been playing fast and loose on me?”

“I won twenty bucks.” Dallas nodded proudly and waggled his brow. “I decided I had a legit way to keep paying my car payment if things go south with StreamTrainer.”

