Boraleashe (Lord of the South Wind #2) Read Online A.E. Via

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal, Shape Shifters Tags Authors: Series: Lord of the South Wind Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 53
Estimated words: 49027 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 245(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 163(@300wpm)

Theodor was irritated by their attitude, but he couldn’t be outright rude and tell them to get the hell out of his palace after they’d been invited by his father. And he wasn’t the only one annoyed by the lady’s insinuation that Boraleashe’s world was as awful as the titan who ruled it. Notalus and Dustin were both frowning, and a few of the other guests showed the same expression, but no one appeared livider than the man she’d offended.

Boraleashe was glaring so hard that Lady Arbelladon and her company would be dead in their chairs if looks had the ability to kill.

Boraleashe’s voice was cold as ice when he answered. “My lands are rich, and the people who inhabit it are kind and meek, unlike what I have witnessed here this evening by my brother’s invited guest. And it is true, the sun in Amárach has been shaded over for many years, creating colder temperatures than I’ve ever seen, but I have not complained. In fact, I praised the gods because the colder the temperature… the more powerful I become.” Boraleashe’s large hands were flat on the table, beginning to turn snow-white and crackle with energy, the sound like glass splitting. “Allow me to demonstrate.”

Before Boraleashe could send his fury at the women, Theodor opened his core and whispered to Boraleashe for only him to hear, “Please calm yourself.” It took a moment, but the normal pale color of Boraleashe’s hands returned, his frown softening a fraction when Theodor stood and cleared his throat.

“My father and I had the opportunity to visit Amárach many years ago, and the vision of its beauty remains a vivid memory that I will cherish always.” Theodor made eye contact with Boraleashe, hoping he could see his sincerity. “Its people are as humble and gracious as their lord described. They welcomed my father and I from the doorways of their quaint cottages with smoking chimneys. But the sights… my gods. I never realized that a blanket of snow covering miles of rolling hills could be so majestic or towering pine trees and snowcapped mountains that appeared tall enough to reach the heavens. The Winter Realm is the epitome of serene.” Theodor smiled, remembering the feeling in his chest while in Amárach. “Like the goddess Cleopomene, playing her harp.”

The guest hung on to his every word, their eyes alight with the visions he’d described. Theodor had turned the tables on Lady Arbelladon and her wives, leaving a sour expression on their faces.

“And that is why the gods chose you as the true Treasure of the Realms, son.” Notalus nodded toward him with pride. But his father was always quick to compliment him on his diplomacy. “Theodor could not have described the world any better, and I agree with him. The Arctic World is a sight that all should be fortunate enough to behold.” Notalus raised his wine goblet. “To Lord Boraleashe and to the health and prosperity of Tir an Amárach.”

“Hear, hear!” they all said in unison, raising their glasses.

There were a couple of follow-up inquiries asked of him, but the dinner quickly wound down after dessert and more wine was consumed.

While Theodor’s father was giving his closing thanks to his company, Theodor turned his gaze away from his court and found Boraleashe already watching him. Without opening his mouth, he whispered the thought in his mind, “come to my chambers tonight”, and sent it to Boraleashe. The secret was so subtle that the air he sent just barely kissed the silken hair tucked behind Boraleashe’s right ear.

Theodor received a slight nod in acknowledgment before Boraleashe left with his viceroy at his side and his aides a few paces behind.


The Loathing of Misunderstandings

“Are you nervous?” Mozraath asked Theodor while he continued raking the large brush through his hair.

“No,” Theodor lied. “Why would I be?”

“Well, because Boraleashe is so damn unpredictable. The last time you tried to love him, he threw you off a mountain.” Mozraath shrugged. “I sure as fuck would be nervous to try again.”

“Is this your idea of an inspiring speech?” Theodor gritted.

“No. I understand why you must try. I just wish you had other options if he rejects you again.”

Thanks a fuckin’ lot, Moz.

“He won’t,” Theodor responded, sounding more confident than he was.

He better not anyway.

Theodor slipped into his evening attire, and Mozraath helped him into the long emerald-green silk robe. He left his bare chest exposed, not wanting a single layer of fabric to prevent him from feeling everything. He said a quick good night to Mozraath and closed the doors to his bedchambers.

He moved around his room, too excited to lie in bed and wait for his company. He’d never been this worked up with any other bed companions—because that was all they’d ever been—no one had even come close to touching his soul. Not when it already belonged to another. Even with that fucked-up curse, Boraleashe made Theodor feel things that no other being had. And he’d bedded shifters, sirens, elves, demigods, and even a warlock once, which had been interesting and adventurous, but he always found himself still wanting, craving a deeper affection after it was over and done.

