Blunted (Rush Riders MC #1) Read Online M.N. Forgy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Rush Riders MCSeries by M.N. Forgy

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 57406 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

“Well, it seems Mrs. Cox and Mr. Kane went off together during the church supper and found the room we keep the communal wine in.” He stops and rubs his forehead as if he is trying to erase an image out of his head.

“Who's Mr. Kane?” I ask.

“He is a member of the congregation,” he answers, looking back to me. Crossing his arms at his back he continues, “Anyway, to make a long story short. An employee was going in to clean the baptism pool for tomorrow’s services and found them in…” He coughs again. “In a compromising position, so to speak,” he finishes, his face turning red again.

“Oh, I see,” I try not to laugh, making a yikes face.

“Well, is Mr. Kane married?”

“No, he is a widower,” he replies.

“Okay, well, I know it’s embarrassing, but it sounds like two lonely people, who had a little too much to drink, did something totally natural, albeit somewhere inappropriate.” I shrug apologetically.

“Well, you should also know they were smoking a marijuana cigarette when they were found, and Mrs. Cox said she got it from you!” His voice rises, his judging eyes looking over at me sternly with quirked eyebrows.


I sigh and admit. “That is true, but... do you have somewhere we can talk so I can explain.”

He looks at me intrigued and nods his head. We walk a few feet farther and he opens a door on the left, moving for me to walk in first. Walking in, I see we are in a conference room. He sits in a wingback chair and motions for me to sit in one exactly like it across from him. I explain what it is I do, how Kate is going through treatments for cancer, and that is why I gave it to her. He looks at me suspiciously for a minute but then says, “I did not realize Mrs. Cox was sick.” He sits quiet for a moment, his elbow on the arm of the chair, his fist resting against his mouth, then says, “You look familiar, who are your parents?”

“Emma and Charles Field,” I answer.

“I did not know your father, but yes, I remember your mother. A very lovely woman who always volunteered... well, for everything,” he finishes, looking at me with disappointment in his eyes.

I look away ashamed and reply, “Yes she was, I miss her very much.”

He sighs. “I understand you think this marijuana is helping her in some way, but she cannot be doing that here,” he scolds.

“Yes, I know. I am having some problems getting her to understand that she cannot do it in public. But please give me a chance to come up with a solution. I will think of something, I always do,” I plead.

He nods and says, “Okay, I am going to let this go, but it must never happen again. So please find a solution to the problem quickly. Now, let’s take you to her.”

Leaving the room, we go back down the hallway a few more feet and stop in front of a closed door on the right. He knocks and we hear Kate answer “Yes?” from the other side. Pastor Ryan opens the door slowly like he is scared of what he might find on the other side and without looking in, he motions for me to go ahead. Walking in, I find Kate. She is a thin woman that barely stands five feet. She is sitting on a burgundy couch looking disheveled, wringing her hands. Her beautiful silver hair is a mess, her top is undone showing her bra, her skirt is crooked, and her pantyhose are ripped. “Oh my God!” I mutter as I hurry over to her. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, dear, I am, I just want to get out of here.”

“Of course. Let’s get you to my truck,” I offer, reaching down to button her blouse but find the buttons are gone. “What happen to the buttons on your blouse?” I ask, looking around on the floor.

“Well, dear, you know how things can get in the heat of the moment. You just kinda forget how they work, and you don't want to take the time trying to remember,” she answers with a sly smile.

I hold up my hand to stop her and say, “Got it.” Looking back around to the door for Pastor Ryan, I see him standing with his back to us, just outside the door, looking at the ground. Walking to the door, I step beside him and ask, “I don't suppose you have anything she can wear out of here, do you?”

“No, I'm sorry we don't. I checked the lost and found but there was nothing in there,” he answers, tapping his foot nervously.

“Okay, her grandson is gonna be here any minute. I can't let him find her like this. He will not be happy and will want to kill Mr. Kane, no matter that what happened was consensual.” I look around and then remember I am wearing a T-shirt under the sweater. “I will give her my sweater, but while I get her presentable, can you go back out front and wait for her grandson, Billy Cox? He should be here any minute, but don't let him back here... just stall him till we come out,” I say. He glances back to me, fear washing over his face. “Don't worry, I'll hurry,” I promise, shutting the door.

