Blood & Bones – Whip (Blood Fury MC #11) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 125531 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 628(@200wpm)___ 502(@250wpm)___ 418(@300wpm)

Even so, she got sucked into his blue eyes that held things she didn’t understand and maybe he didn’t, either. She certainly didn’t want to explore whatever it was. Not with a man she’d never see again after Agnes was repaired.

Things between them needed to stay surface level and not go any deeper than that. If he was in agreement, they could have fun together while she was stuck in town.

Maybe they could check in with each other with an occasional text or two in the future, this way if she was ever in the area again…

No, she’d have to make a conscious effort to be in this neck of the woods and it would have to be for a very good reason.

A younger biker couldn’t be it.

Their life experiences were on opposite ends of the scale.

And she was sure women, much younger than her, threw themselves at him regularly. Because of that, it had surprised her that he agreed to have dinner with her.

Pleased, but certainly surprised.

“Where you at?”

She dragged herself out of her head and back into the room. “Right here.”

He paused mid-stroke. “No, you weren’t. You were gone. Want you with me.”

The demanding way he said that made her heart pump a little faster, a little harder, and her breath catch. “I’m with you.”

“Stay there.”


“Stay with me,” he repeated more firmly. “We’re in this together, right?”

“You’re right.”

His brow dropped low. “Unless you’re plannin’ on ratin’ me less than a five on a scale of one to ten, then I might need to rethink some shit.”

“I have you at about a—I don’t know—solid eight point five right now, teetering on a nine. But I might take a point away for all this talking instead of doing.”

“Hang on. I’m the one doin’ the doin’ while you’re off somewhere else.”

She did her best not to laugh at his fake outrage. “I’m right here in this bed with you.”

He tucked his chin into his neck, shook his head and snorted. When he lifted it again that sexy as hell smirk was back. “Gonna carry on, then.”

She smiled up at him. “You have to work on that last one and a half points to make it a perfect ten.”

“Fuckin’ pressure,” he muttered. “Gonna give me performance anxiety.”

“I doubt that.” She slapped his ass like he did earlier with her. “You still have time to score that perfect ten. Let’s do this.”

He laughed but managed to pull off a performance that would not be forgettable any time soon. In fact, it would stick with her for a long time.

With his age, he still had plenty of energy, enthusiasm and even better, flexibility. His hips were definitely limber. He did not just stiffly pump in and out of her—Fallon had been with a few men like that—he added a little extra oomph at the end of each stroke.

He’d continued to pull out until he was almost free, pause for a heartbeat, then do his smooth move again. If there was a name for it, she didn’t know it, but if it was up to her she’d call it “awesome.”

It was that and then some.

He didn’t seem to be in a rush to get to the end, since he kept his pace smooth and steady. Dropping his head and also breaking that eye contact, he pulled a nipple deep into his mouth. Her back arched and she dug her fingers deeper into his ass, encouraging him to pick up the pace a little.

He did.

With a lift of her hips, she met him stroke for stroke, clenching and unclenching around him, tilting her head back, squeezing his ass again, a silent encouragement for him to take her where they both wanted to go.

He moved to her other nipple, sucking it hard enough she almost had to tell him to ease up. After taking her right to that very edge of discomfort, he’d back down just a hair. Then do it all over again.

He might be on the younger side but he knew what the hell he was doing.

It was when he began to roll his hips, hitting the right angle for her G-spot while somehow still grinding himself against her clit, that she realized at some point, some woman somewhere had taught this man how to move and hit all the right spots.

Maybe it was more than one. But whoever it was, she’d love to thank her. Because Fallon truly appreciated that he wasn’t a selfish lover and everything he was doing was for her benefit. Truthfully, he very well could’ve done a few stiff pumps and finished quickly.

Like her trip around the country on Agnes, this was quickly becoming a journey, too. A rediscovery of how great and satisfying sex could be with the right partner. She was unexpectedly pleased that was Whip. She only hoped she was pleasing him just as well.

