Blood & Bones – Dodge (Blood Fury MC #10) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 120513 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 603(@200wpm)___ 482(@250wpm)___ 402(@300wpm)

He had spotted it on her almost immediately, of course, but had said nothing. Instead, as he’d stalked toward the bed, he had been stripping down, too.

Everything else was quickly forgotten as she studied him once he began to shed his clothes, exposing himself in bits and pieces.

She enjoyed that show a lot better than if he’d simply stepped out of the bathroom fully naked already. This way, as he exposed each part of his body, she had a moment to appreciate the area he uncovered before moving on to the next.

Now she understood the appeal of a striptease. And how anticipation ramped up desire.

Tonight was the first time she’d ever been on top. She had started on the bottom, with him taking his time to enter her, letting her body slowly adjust to his width. Then, after no more than a few pumps of his hips, he’d suddenly rolled over, taking her with him and she ended up where she was now. With his cock deep, deep inside her. At first, it was a little uncomfortable, but this position became an instant favorite.

Maybe not with every man, but with this one? Hell yes.

Once he was on the bottom, he no longer moved his hips the way he did so well. He let her set the pace, let her take the time to explore different moves and angles. Amazingly enough, he’d kept his instructions to himself instead of ordering her on what to do.

But the whole time, he watched her, his intense, dark brown eyes sliding over her body, pausing on her breasts, her belly, and what he could see of her pussy swallowing his cock. When he slowly worked his way back up, he once again inspected every inch he could see before locking gazes with her.

At one point, she had hidden her reaction from him since her face, her expressions, were completely exposed. Normally, she tended to hide her emotions. She had learned early on that getting emotional, showing anyone your weakness, could make you more vulnerable. Becoming emotional over something you couldn’t control, also did no good. Sometimes, it even made things worse.

But he wasn’t having any of that. With a frown, he had grabbed her chin, pulled it down and warned, “Don’t hide anythin’ from me.”

The only order he gave her since joining her in bed had turned the blood in her veins to lava. With a pointed look, he also noticed how hearing that demand had puckered her nipples so tightly, they ached.

Not just with discomfort but for his attention.

For some reason, he wasn’t giving them any. He wasn’t moving at all. All he did was watch as she discovered what she liked, and what she didn’t, while she was on top.

She found that really hot, too. A man like him handing over control during sex to her.

She understood why. He had recognized what little experience she had in the sex department without her having to admit it out loud.

The other three men she had chosen to have sex with had taken the reins when they got together. But not one had asked what she needed from them to orgasm, unlike the man currently beneath her had downstairs.

One asked if she had come and when she told him no, he didn’t make the effort to make sure she did.

Dodge had made the effort.

He was bossy as fuck but also surprisingly unselfish.

She also realized, by seeing the slightly protruding tendons in his scratched-up neck and a muscle jumping in his jaw, simply lying on his back and letting her fuck him at her own pace, that giving her the lead was costing him.

The knowledge of holding that power over him was also a turn-on. However, that power could quickly change. If he wanted to take it back, she couldn’t stop him.

She paused, sat up straighter and held out both her hands.

Without even the slightest hesitation and as if he could read her mind, he placed his much larger hands in hers, interlinking their fingers. She lifted his right hand to her throat and wrapped his fingers around it. The other she lifted to her breast and after placing it there, she leaned forward, planted her hands on his heaving, tattooed chest again and caught his eyes with hers.

When she smiled at him, an answering smile slowly crept across his face.

It should be illegal to be that gorgeous. She normally didn’t consider men to be beautiful. To her, he was.

His dark hair with a few strands of gray and on the longer side but not long enough to reach his shoulders. The thick, but neatly trimmed, dark beard also had a few gray hairs. Those skilled, bitable lips. His broad nose and slightly darker skin tone, not ghost-white like hers, that suggested he was not completely from European descent.

