Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

“Of course, Little girl. Can you drink some more water?”

Sapphire shook her head and coughed again. “I’m sorry I woke you. Do you want me to go home?”

“You’re home with me, Little girl. You’re not going anywhere,” he told her firmly.

“I don’t want to make you sick,” she whined.

That was just one more indication of how bad she felt. Sapphire never complained. She met everything directly.

“I’m not worried about me, Sapphire. I am concerned about you. Let’s take your temperature.”

“Okay,” she said, opening her mouth before coughing.

“That’s not going to work. Give me just a second. I’m going to grab a few supplies.”

Blade pulled on a pair of jeans and headed to the door. The Shadowridge Guardians had created a closet near Doc’s office that held all sorts of things for Littles. As he passed the medical room, Blade nodded. He might need to enlist the medic’s help. Doc had treated a number of the Littles as well as the Guardians. Heavens knew the skilled man had stitched Blade up a few times. As he opened the closet, Doc came out of the treatment room.

“Is everyone okay?” Blade asked.

“Yes. I woke up and remembered I hadn’t recharged a device. The last time I did that, I needed it urgently. Not wanting to tempt the fates, I came to plug it in. Is Sapphire okay?” Doc asked.

“I’m worried about her. She’s got a terrible cough and is burning up but is shivering. I came out to get a thermometer.”

“There’s a nasty bug going around. Let me suggest a few things.”

Doc opened the supply closet and handed Blade a large thermometer. “Littles should have their temperature taken in their bottoms. That’s the most accurate way. Do you have lube?”

“Yes,” Blade answered.

“Good. Use a lot. Here’s a hot water bottle with a cute cover. Fill it with hot water and tuck it at her feet.”

Doc rummaged around and found a box of liquid pain and fever reliever. “Give her the recommended amount of this every four hours as long as she has a fever. Measure by her weight. Grab the tissues with lotion. Those are good for delicate noses. I have some prescription-strength cough suppressant, but I’d need to examine her first. They’re suppositories which are easier for a patient who’s coughing.”

Blade balanced all the items in his arms. “Thanks, Doc.”

“You want to get as much liquid into her as possible. Take this.” Doc grabbed a set of three colorful bottles. “Try different mixtures—juice, water, protein drinks. I’ll suggest one more thing that helps Harper when her throat is sore.”

Accepting the package of pacifiers equipped with a lozenge as the bulb to suck on, Blade nodded. “Good idea. That coughing has to make her throat hurt.”

“If her temperature is over 102, get her in a cold shower. She won’t like it, but keep her there until you can feel her skin cooling. Dry her and come get me.”

“Got it. I owe you one,” Blade said, so grateful that Doc had been there.

“Push my position up on your weaponry waiting list for some embellishments,” Doc joked. “Really. Don’t hesitate to knock on my door if you’re concerned. I don’t mind losing some sleep. The Littles are much more important than a few Zs.” Doc patted him on the shoulder and returned to Harper.

Juggling all the booty he’d collected, Blade headed back to his Little girl. He could hear her coughing before he got the door open. Rushing inside, he found the bed empty. Blade dropped everything on the dresser and followed the concerning sound.

“Blue Eyes? Are you okay?” he said at the bathroom door.


The weak response made him open the door and enter. Sapphire sat on the toilet with her head resting on her arms on the nearby vanity. He walked forward to brush her blue hair away from her flushed face.

“Let’s get you back in bed.”

She nodded slowly. “I ran out of energy.”

“Daddy will help you.” Blade quickly wiped her and flushed the toilet before scooping her up in his arms. Sapphire letting him care for her without protest was more proof that she felt awful.

Setting her on the mattress, Blade handed her Silver. “Daddy’s going to check your temperature, Little girl. Let’s roll you over on your side.”

Blade shifted her position and pulled the covers over her shivering body. He quickly opened packages. Heading to the bathroom, he washed his hands and the thermometer before returning to her. She wouldn’t like this. If he’d thought ahead, he would have introduced her to being cared for intimately.

Grabbing the lubricant from the nightstand, he coated his finger before turning back the covers over her cute bottom. He pressed her forward slightly and lifted her top buttock to expose her small entrance. Quickly, he applied the slippery mixture.

“Daddy. No. What are you doing?” she asked, coughs interspersed between.

