Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

“Sir, I’m afraid you’ll have to come downtown too. That’s standard protocol for any disturbance where weapons are involved,” the officer said.

“Of course, officer. My brothers will send the video of the incident to the captain, and my lawyer will meet me there,” Blade said calmly. “You’ll want to give me some time to remove my weaponry before you search me.”

“Blade!” A new arrival dressed in a suit called as he approached. Blade smiled at the familiar man.

“Hi, Detective Newel. How’s that bike?”

“Don’t tell my kids, but it’s the prettiest thing under my roof. After my wife, of course,” the detective said with a laugh as he reached out a hand to shake Blade’s.

The detective looked at the other officer and said, “You don’t have to take him in. We know where to find him. Besides, those are all wounds to impair. If Blade had wanted to kill him, he would have been gone with the first edge that hit him. Get the suspect to the hospital to be patched up. Keep him under guard with the leg shackles on the entire time.”

“Blade, introduce me to this lady you’re protecting and then walk away for a few minutes while I get her story,” the detective requested.

Every hell-no fiber of defiance stood on end inside Blade. He realized he was bristling when Sapphire stroked his chest, trying to calm him. Blade also didn’t care.

“I’ve got this, Blade. He’s doing this to wrap up the facts about that guy. To protect both of us. Go check on your bike,” Sapphire told him softly.

Blade studied her face. He didn’t like the strain and fatigue etched into her features. His first thought was to wrap her up and steal her away from this situation. The second was how hard she would fight against that. Sapphire was right. This had to be taken care of, and while he could support her, Blade had to allow her to get through this process.

He glared a warning toward the detective. “Be nice.”

“Gotcha. I will ask tough questions, but I understand she’s not the criminal,” the detective assured him.

“Thanks.” Turning his attention to Sapphire, he said, “I’m right over there. Make a peep and I’m at your side.”

At her nod, he turned and paced away. Each step felt like a mistake. When he reached the clump of MC brothers, Blade forced himself to focus on them even as he monitored the interview behind him.

“Thank you for backing me up,” Blade said, as he tried to shake the tension out of his shoulders and jaw.

“We’re like the old slogan, ‘All for one and one for all,’” Breaker answered.

“I’m no fucking musketeer,” Faust growled. Molly had softened the antagonistic MC member’s rough edges a lot, but Faust was always antagonistic. The Guardians accepted him the way he was.

“That knife through the wrist in motion was a skilled throw, Blade. Remind me never to piss you off,” Ink told him.

“Storm’s never going to beat you, is he?” Kade asked.

Blade shook his head. He understood they were trying to distract him. Movement caught his eye, and he turned without saying a word to meet Sapphire halfway.

“All done?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her. He could feel her still trembling, but not as severely as before.

“Yes. He was nice. It was a lot to go over again. I keep seeing that guy reach out to grab me in my brain. It’s as scary now as it was then,” she admitted.

“I’m sorry, Blue Eyes. That shouldn’t have happened to you.”

“The detective said by the time they get him seen at the hospital and processed at the station, he’ll be there for a couple of days at least. He thought there might be some mental health issues that needed to be addressed.”

“Might be?” Blade repeated, feeling his anger rebuild.

“Shh,” she soothed him. “There’s nothing we can do about their process. You already have a connection with that detective. They don’t usually show up for something like this. He heard the responding officer’s report that the Shadowridge Guardians were here on the scene of a hostage situation and sped here to help.”

The tension faded from his body. “He was great to work with. He’s seen a lot.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“You don’t need to thank me,” Blade said in surprise.

“I do. And all the guys. Take me over there so I can tell them as well.”

“Come on, Little girl. Let them know you’re okay.”



Sapphire glued herself to the powerful shelter Blade’s hard form provided. Without asking, he handled everything. Men already bustled around replacing the back door and upgrading its level of protection. When they finished, a new camera system would allow a wide view of everything in the front and rear of the building, as well as inside.

The neighboring business owners alerted by the police canvassing the area stopped by to express their concern and support. One even offered her daughter, who was home from college, as a person to run the shop for her to take the day off. Sapphire had thanked the woman but refused, knowing the daughter would be lost in the shop without training.

