Blade – A Steele Riders MC Read Online C.M. Steele

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 39641 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 198(@200wpm)___ 159(@250wpm)___ 132(@300wpm)

“What injuries are there?”

“You have seven different lacerations from a small knife. Thankfully, all were superficial, however you do have a broken wrist and ring finger.”

“Yes, I remember that part. He tried to put a ring on my finger.” Anthony growls, and I squeeze his hand with my good one.

“Well, there were no signs of rape, although we believe that was his intent. You have some bruising on your face, throat, and limbs because you put up one hell of a fight. Thankfully, there are no other major injuries, although I am referring you to the social worker here. You will need to speak to someone on this matter as a part of the emotional recovery.”

“Do I have to?”

“You don’t have to just yet, but it might make you feel better. It’s necessary for all victims of a violent crime.”

“It’s for the best, sweetheart.” I look at Anthony and know he’s worried about me.

“Okay. I will.”

“Good. Now, we’re going to make sure you’re well hydrated and resting. If you need anything, just buzz the nurses’ station. I’ve got a couple more rounds to make. It’s good to see you again, Ms. Walker.” He nods, then shakes Anthony’s hand and leaves the room.

“Thank you for saving me. I don’t think I told you, but things would have been so different if you hadn’t come.”

“I know, but don’t thank me. I shouldn’t have left you that day. I shouldn’t have let you go a day without knowing that you mean the world to me. I’m a fool, Jules. I came back to tell you that.”

“What changed your mind?”

“I wanted to go back into the house the second I left, but I figured you didn’t really want me. What I feel for you isn’t just something small. I don’t want to let you go, ever. I pushed you away to give you a chance at living your life. Then I learned that you didn’t want to be with a man like me.”

“Didn’t want to be with a man like you?”

“Yes. My sister told me that you didn’t want our kind of life, and your uncle reminded me of it when you quit.” I had to think back on it. “If you didn’t want forever with me, I couldn’t let my selfish love for you steal away your joy. One day you’d grow to hate me.”

“You love me?”

“Since before I should have.”

“What do you mean?”

“From the first time I walked into the bakery, I wanted to make you mine.”

“And it’s been over eight months since then, and you are only telling me now. Why did you push me away?”

“You didn’t want to be with people like us.” I sigh, thinking even then that those words said out of spite would come back to haunt me.

“I didn’t say that until I saw relief flood your face in the bakery when I thought you were going to kiss me.”

“Jules, relief? The only relief I felt was that I hadn’t stripped you bare and fucked you on that counter for my sister to see. You deserved more than me putting my baby inside of you while licking buttercream off your tits.”

“Whoa. I don’t need to hear that shit.”

“Then knocking is probably something you should work on in the future.”

“You got me there, but the wife refused to wait.”

“Dear girl,” my aunt sighs, moving to the opposite side of Anthony. She reaches over to brush my hair out of my face and tucks it gently behind my ear. “The boys are on their way. Penny is on her way with Jackson as well.”

“I’m here,” Penny calls out from the door, waddling her pregnant butt in hurriedly.

“Calm down, Pen. You’re going to have the baby right here.”

“I’m fine.” Penny nudges Anthony out of the way, and he manages to avoid the machines with ease despite nearly being barreled over. “How are you? I could kill that bastard. Jackson will, you know.”

Chapter Seven


This has been one hell of a twenty-four hours. I sit and stare at Jules as she takes a nap, running my fingers over her hair, thinking about how I’ve failed her again. I broke her heart without realizing it, and then I let someone harm her. I should get my ass handed to me by her uncle and maybe her cousins. Penny’s got some tough older brothers that I’ve met before. I’m about to beat myself up some more when Penny knocks on the door and strolls in with Jackson in tow, carrying several bags.

“How is she?”

“She should be cleared to leave in the next couple of hours. I’m so glad you could do this for me. How did it go with her parents?”

“You don’t want to know. Just keep those assholes away from her. We can talk about that in more detail later,” Jackson snarls as he sets the bags on the large sofa.

