Blackmailed by Her Bully Read online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 82534 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 413(@200wpm)___ 330(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)


“Your nice, tight, dry pussy, wrapped around my dick. I was right all along. I didn’t have to force any chick. I could have who I wanted, whenever I wanted. Just the click of my fingers, showing off a couple of bucks, and you wouldn’t believe the kind of ass I’d get.”

She hated this man. The way he talked, it sickened her.

“What I could get them to do. Um! It was a fucking dream, I tell you. Don’t get me wrong. Some of them played hard to get. As they should, you know. But all it took was a couple hundred bucks and their ass was mine.” He grabbed his crotch, and she felt her stomach turn.

This couldn’t be happening.

“You though, you were like magic. I didn’t even know what I was fucking missing until I held you down and took from you what you didn’t want taken.”

“You need to leave.”

“I got a taste for it, and it has been so easy. No one believes a desperate woman. Not when you wire money into her bank account.”

“You’re a monster.”

“And Logan, I mean it was a stroke of genius when the sheriff called. My parents were pissed, but I already figured out who I’d stitch up. Back then, I was the most powerful. I could have anyone do whatever I wanted. My parents were rich, and after I raped you, I knew I’d get him to take the fall. After all, I’d seen the way he looked at you. How he touched you. And I knew, he would do anything to kill you once you told those lies.”

“And now I’m the richest motherfucker in town with all the power,” Logan said.

Ava jumped. In the doorway, Logan stood with Hunter. How much had he heard?

From the look on his face, all of it.

They stepped through the door, and Hunter flicked the lock back into place.

“I locked that door,” Luke said.

“No, I changed the locks. All you did was flick the catch and I had it installed to open both ways. You think I didn’t know you were stealing from me? I knew all along. It wasn’t exactly hard to guess. You always arrived, had a good time, money was gone.” He shrugged.

Ava gasped as Logan removed his jacket. His white shirt was covered with blood.

Was this it? Was this how her life was going to end?

She felt sick.

“Dude, Ava and I were just talking, shooting the shit, that’s how I see it.”

“Really, from where I was standing, you were taunting her with what you can get over on me. The shit you can do without me batting a fucking eye. How you had all the power when we were kids. Come on, dickhead. Keep on going. Keep on praising yourself for being the good friend you are.”

“You’re hearing things.”

“Do you know whose blood this is?” Logan asked.

She didn’t want to know. Staring into his eyes, she saw the anger and the rage shining within them.

“I don’t know. Some poor schmuck? Look, Logan, what you heard. It was all bullshit. You know that. I was being an asshole.”

“It’s the sheriff’s,” Logan said, interrupting.

“What’s the sheriff’s?”

“This.” He pointed to the blood. “All of it. Every single drop of perverted sheriff blood. You want to know why I got all this blood on my hands.”

“You got really bad at throwing knives?”

“I found out the truth.”

“Come on, Logan. Do you really think I’m capable of that? Please, they’re messing with your head. Does this go back to that slut? She wanted it rough. She told me.”

“You raped Ava. She went to the sheriff and reported it. You hurt her in the girls’ locker room after she’d been swimming. It’s why she can’t stand to go swimming now and will never enter the locker room again.” Logan took a step closer. “The sheriff had your name changed to mine, and your lawyer negotiated a deal to keep me out of jail so this wouldn’t go to any judge or jury. Where Ava wouldn’t have to testify and tell the truth. All this time, you manipulated this shit, and what did I get out of it?” Logan smiled. “I guess I can’t complain. You’re standing in the office of my club. You work for me. Your parents squandered your fortune in helping you stay out of trouble. This, is all me.”

Luke’s face changed. He was no longer smiling or laughing.

“What are you going to do, Logan, kill me?” Luke burst out laughing.

It was all fake.

All lies.

“I won in the end. I will still be the first man inside her virgin pussy, and you, you’re nothing. I have everything, and you have nothing. You sent one of your men to capture videos of her fucking. You’re not even second or third.”

Ava didn’t know what she was about to see as Logan approached Luke. There was a violence there.

