Black Forest (Little Cakes #6) Read Online Pepper North, Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Little Cakes Series by Paige Michaels
Series: Little Cakes Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 46077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 230(@200wpm)___ 184(@250wpm)___ 154(@300wpm)

“I’m guessing an asshole ex-husband with a commitment problem who got caught screwing his secretary,” Davis suggested.

“His boss,” Sue corrected without thinking.

Davis shook his head in disgust. “He’s a fool. I want you to come back for you. No one else. Well, for me, too.”

“Need more clients, huh?”

Reaching over the console to turn off her machine, Davis waited until she stopped walking. “The gym is packed most days. That’s not why I want you to come back. I need to get to know you better. I’ve been looking for my Little girl for years. I think I’ve found her,” he declared bluntly.

“Me?” Sue gasped at the handsome man before her. She’d never met a man like him. Even in this intimate conversation with someone she really didn’t know, he exuded a gentle vibe that clashed with his strong warrior frame. He made her feel—cherished.

“You. Will you be brave and let us get to know each other?”

“I won’t run away, Davis,” she promised before realizing what she’d said.

“Good girl. Go home, take a hot shower, and eat something healthy.”

Before he could say more, a heavily muscled man called, “Hey, Davis! Can you spot me?”

“See you tomorrow, Sue,” he said, before turning to walk away.

She stood there frozen by all that had just occurred. A clunk of a water bottle into the holder of the machine next to her drew Sue out of her thoughts.

“Don’t get any ideas. I think Davis is gay,” Elizabeth informed her as she keyed in a workout.

Laughter pealed from Sue’s lips, drawing a disdainful look from the thin brunette. There was no way Davis didn’t enjoy women. Thank goodness!

Stepping off the treadmill, Sue went to gather her things from the locker room. When she emerged to walk to the door, she automatically looked for Davis and found him working with a group of men. Sue waved, feeling self-conscious. She felt a lot better when Davis smiled and did one of those manly chin lift nods at her. Damn, he’s hot.

Chapter Four

Groaning, Sue picked up a tray of the new Ellie-approved Black Forest cupcakes. Every muscle in her body was complaining about her workout yesterday. Not horrendously, but she could definitely feel it.

“Sounds like Davis got you,” Tarson observed.

“Ha, ha!” Sue joked back. “He actually took good care of me. I’m not too sore.”

“Davis is good at taking care of people,” Ellie commented, watching Sue’s reaction carefully as she creamed butter and sugar together.

Sue tried not to react to her words but felt her cheeks heating.

“Aha! You like him!” Ellie seized on her blushing reaction to connect the dots.

“He’s a great coach,” Sue responded in an attempt to deflect Ellie’s insinuation that there was something more between her and Davis.

The door swung into the kitchen, interrupting them to Sue’s relief as Riley popped her head inside. “Hey, Sue. Davis is here to see you.”

“Ah, ha!” Ellie cheered. “He’s so awesome. Go talk to him. Give him a cupcake.”

“I don’t think he eats cupcakes, Ellie,” Sue said, heading to the door with the tray as she tried to play it cool.

“Everyone eats cupcakes,” Ellie assured her.

Carrying the treats to the spot she’d prepared in the display counter, Sue watched Davis’s eyes light up when he saw her. “Hi! Were you checking to see if I could still move?”

“How do you feel?”

“A little sore, but okay.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that. I actually came in hoping you could take a break. Can I buy you a cupcake and we can talk?” Davis asked. “Or do you get tired of cupcakes?”

“No one gets tired of cupcakes!” Ellie gasped in outrage from the doorway. Sue wasn’t surprised her boss had snuck closer to watch.

When both Davis and Sue turned around to look at her, Ellie squeaked, “Sorry!” and disappeared back into the kitchen.

“These are new. Would you like to try them? Riley can watch the counter for me for a bit,” she stated, looking at her coworker for confirmation.

Instantly, Riley nodded. “I’ve got it.”

“I’m up for trying something new. How about you?” Davis answered, pulling out his wallet to pay.

“It’s on the house. Ellie’s giving these away for free today for people to try.” Sue slid the tray into place and plucked two cupcakes from the display to place on decorative plates. Grabbing a couple of glasses of water, she handed those to Davis to carry. “Where would you like to sit?”

“Let’s go over there. We can talk privately,” Davis suggested as he nodded toward the corner.

He’s going to tell me he’s reconsidered and he’s not interested in me. Sue preceded him to the table, feeling like she was going to a funeral—her own.

When they were settled, Davis took a bite of his cupcake and chewed appreciatively. “That’s amazing! These should be a big hit!”

“We think so,” Sue agreed, before sampling hers.

She was in the middle of chewing when Davis said, “I hope I didn’t scare you yesterday when I told you I was interested in getting to know you better.”

