Black Forest (Little Cakes #6) Read Online Pepper North, Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Little Cakes Series by Paige Michaels
Series: Little Cakes Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 46077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 230(@200wpm)___ 184(@250wpm)___ 154(@300wpm)

“Then we’ll work on it. Bring your suit.”

“I don’t want to,” she said stubbornly.

“Okay. You can skinny dip if you’d like,” he answered cheerfully.

Sue glared at the phone. He couldn’t make her do anything. Before she could tell him again that she wasn’t interested, she heard a click and the background noise evaporated.

“Little girl, are you scared of water?”

“No. I just don’t want to… Okay, I’ll say it. I look crappy in a swimsuit, and I don’t want you to see me.”

“Thank you for telling me the truth. Do you like swimming?” he asked.

“Well… Yes,” she admitted.

“Then will you believe me when I assure you that I can’t wait to see you? Do you need a new suit?”

“I don’t think mine fits,” she whispered, trying to remember the last time she’d worn it.

“Then we’ll make a stop first. A friend of a buddy of mine owns a shop. You’ll like her.”

Could she buy something without him finding out what size she wore? Sue debated internally whether to take a risk or hang up and run away.

“Cherry. Trust me. You’re going to enjoy this.”

“I’m scared.”

“I know. Your ex-husband damaged your confidence. You’re a beautiful woman with an endearing heart. Take a chance with me.”

“Okay. I’ll try, but you’ll take me home if it doesn’t work out?”

“Yes. I’ll be at Little Cakes a bit before four. We’re going to stop at Design Magic just a few storefronts away from Ellie’s shop,” he added.

“I’ve seen that place. It has cute clothes in the window.”

“You’re going to have fun with Gemma. Don’t worry. I’m taking care of you.”

“You really are a Daddy, aren’t you?”

“Through and through. Now, get up and start your day. Text me when you’re at Little Cakes,” Davis requested.

“Thanks,” she told him softly. She’d never met anyone who understood her as well as Davis.

“I wish I was there to give you a kiss. Consider yourself hugged tightly. See you soon.”

“Bye.” Sue disconnected the call and stared at the phone, giving herself a pep talk. I can do this. I want to do this. I’m not going to run.

Determined, Sue flipped the covers back and slid out of bed. Standing on the carpet, she stretched and felt the tinge of discomfort. Another workout at the gym would probably have discouraged her to go back if her muscles had gotten any more uncomfortable. Davis was smart to want her to do something else. He probably enjoyed getting out of the gym, too.

Focusing on the positives, Sue quickly dressed in the clean clothes Davis had folded neatly for her. She liked wearing the outfit that he’d touched.

When she pulled into the parking lot for the strip center, Sue took a few seconds to send Davis a cherry emoji. His hug emoji response was chased by a kiss one. Sue looked down at her watch. She had a few extra minutes.

Grabbing her purse, Sue jogged across the parking lot to the gym. She hesitated at the door but reached for the handle and walked inside. The smile that stretched across Davis’s face when he spotted her coming toward him made Sue’s day, week, and possibly year.

Davis excused himself and met her halfway. “Cherry.”

“I wanted a real one.”

“I’d like that, too,” Davis said, wrapping his arms around her to pull Sue close. He pressed a light kiss to her lips before deepening it with a soft groan that thrilled her.

Sue curled her fingers over Davis’s powerful shoulders to hold on as he tasted her. No one kissed like this unbelievable man. Mmm!

“You have got to be kidding me.” The nasally voice that interrupted their tender moment irritated Sue.

Sue stepped back to see Elizabeth with her hands on her hips, watching them. Feeling daring after that welcome, she greeted the woman cheerfully, “Hi, Elizabeth. Turns out he’s not gay.”

“What?” Davis asked with a laugh.

“No, he’s just a chubby chaser,” she sneered.

“Go to work, Cherry. I’ll see you at four,” Davis instructed and gave her one last kiss.

As Sue walked toward the door, she heard him address the unpleasant woman.

“Elizabeth, there is a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. It’s in your contract. Gather your things and leave. You’re no longer a member here.”

“What? You can’t…”

The door closed behind her, cutting off Elizabeth’s protest. Sue smiled. Leave it to Davis to have included that clause in his paperwork. She wouldn’t miss that woman.

Sue was a few steps from Little Cakes when she heard a window-rattling scream. She peeked over her shoulder to see Elizabeth throw her water bottle at the front door of Fitness Haven. Ducking inside the bakery, she knew she was safe inside. The sweet smell emanating from the shop would deter the difficult woman from entering.

“Morning. You look happy,” Ellie chirped.

“Happy is a mild word for what I feel,” Sue confessed.



“Are we still going to Blaze Saturday night?” her boss asked.

