Big Nick Energy Read Online Lani Lynn Vale

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 51
Estimated words: 51122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 256(@200wpm)___ 204(@250wpm)___ 170(@300wpm)

Gabe’s amusement was written all over his face.

“I always chop the wood.” He paused. “Why would you think you needed to?”

I sighed and stretched my arms up high over my head.

“Because it’s boring as all get out,” I admitted. “I’ve done everything I could possibly ever do. I’m literally drowning in boredom.”

Thunder rumbled over our heads, and I looked up with a smile on my face to see that while I was sleeping, a storm had started to roll in.

The clouds were dark and ominous.

When I looked back at my husband it was to see his eyes gleaming with excitement.

“Don’t get that look with me, mister,” I said. “You’re still covered in grease,” I countered.

His eyes gleamed as he slowly bent forward, grasped me around the waist, and then hauled me up and over his shoulder.

I squeaked in surprise.

“Gabe,” I said softly. “No.”

He ignored me and took me in through our house, to our bedroom, and then tossed me on the bed.

We weren’t as adventurous anymore now that we had kids and grandkids. But I knew this time would be different.

“Strip,” he ordered. “And we’ll go to the back porch.”

I was already jumping up and stripping my shirt off.

“Just this once,” I teased.

He lost his shirt.

“Just this once.” He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You’ll do it whenever and wherever. You’re lost on me, Ember. Admit it.”

I scoffed. “I don’t know whatever gave you that idea.”

Then I smacked his ass and took off for the back porch.

He caught me before I’d even made it out of our bedroom.

Totally. Worth it.

When we got outside, the storm was no longer brewing. It was here.

As he sat down onto our Adirondack chair with me in his lap, he pulled me close and then whispered into my ear. “It’s baby making weather.”

Book: Highway Don’t Care


Wanted: Someone to hand feed me Doritos so my fingers won’t get cheesy.

-Text from Miller to Mercy


“Look,” I said to the man who was getting ready to run. “I don’t want to chase you. I will, but I don’t want to.”

The man all but slumped.

“Get in the back of my cruiser on your own, and I won’t cuff you,” I grumbled.

The man was eighty, eighty-five, if not a little bit older.

He had escaped from a retirement facility that was on lockdown due to an influx of COVID positive cases.

He was, apparently, one of the lucky ones who was asymptomatic.

So, since he wasn’t exhibiting symptoms like all of his other friends, he’d thought the lockdown was bullshit.

So he’d decided to make a run for it, and had then decided to steal a motorcycle—from the delivery guy who’d been delivering flowers—to make that run.

I’d pulled behind him and he’d sedately pulled over.

And now was even more sedately getting into the back of my cruiser.

I pulled up my mask higher, and then tossed him one, too.

“Put that on your face,” I ordered. “I have kids and grandbabies on the way. I don’t need to take your bullshit home with me.”

The man squinted at me, but nonetheless got the mask put in place.

“This is bullshit,” he grumbled.

“I agree,” I said. “I’ll stop by Sonic and The Daquiri Express if you sit back there quietly.”

“How about you stop by Harley’s, buy me a bottle of Jack, and then drop me off at the front door. Drop the bottle of Jack at the second landing on the right. Then I’ll buy your new grandkid a fuckin’ car.”

I laughed.

“How about I drop you off, go get the Jack, then bring it back to you,” I suggested.

“We have a deal. Let me know your grandkid’s name,” the man said.

Thinking he was blowing smoke up my ass, I went ahead and dropped him off, then thoroughly disinfected my backseat, myself, and everything I’d touched with Lysol before heading to the liquor store.

After dropping not one, but two bottles of Jack off, I called my wife.

“Mercy,” I said when she answered.

“Did you hear there’s a motherfuckin’ killer hornet that just made its way into the US?” she asked without offering me a hello. “As if this fuckin’ COVID bullshit isn’t enough, now I have to worry about motherfreakin’ hornets? Killer hornets at that? They say that being bitten by one is akin to being punched in the face. Repeatedly.”

I groaned. “Mercy, get off of Facebook.”

She sighed. “I can’t help it. I work for a living. I’m essential. I have to be on Facebook to find my guys jobs.”

She did.

“But that doesn’t mean you have to be on there looking at stuff about killer hornets,” I disagreed.

She sighed. “I gotta go. I’m late for a phone appointment. Love you.”

I hadn’t even hung up for half a minute before it was once again ringing in my hand.


“Hey,” I heard some man say oddly. “This is Jess from The Chevrolet Place? I just got a call from an elderly gentleman saying that he wanted to buy you a car?”

