Big Daddy Read Online Rye Hart

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 67133 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 336(@200wpm)___ 269(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

“It’s already starting to snow.” I nodded to the window, and he went over to glance out. “I thought it was a bit cooler than normal out.”

“You stay put and keep warm; I’ll be right back. I know we’re expecting six-foot drifts in some places. Looks like it got here a touch earlier than expected.

By the time he got the wood and got back in the house, the weather had grown fierce. The wind whipped against the house and the pretty view of the snow from the window was replaced with nothing but a foggy blur.

Chance dropped the wood and then stacked it into the bin. “I looked around. Nick would be an idiot to try something during this storm. It’s terrible out there. I’m glad I got back in when I did.”

“Yeah, me too. I’m freezing.” My nose was already cold even though I’d been bundled beneath the blanket.

“It will warm up fast in here.” He peeled off his coat and dropped it into the bin, and then he hurried over and sat on the couch.

I moved closer and offered him some of the covers, but he shook his head and leaned over to kiss me. “You should keep them until I warm up a bit more.”

“I’ll warm you up.” I moved closer and put the covers around him locking my arm around his waist before rubbing his back. He was cold, but I knew he’d warm up faster with me rubbing his back and snuggling close.

“You’re like a little heater.” He snuggled closer, and I turned my chin up to kiss him.

I wanted a distraction, and I couldn’t think of a better one, but I could tell by the look he was giving me, he wasn’t willing to be caught with his pants down. “I don’t think he’s going to brave this weather to come here.”

“All the more reason to stay on alert.” He smiled.

“Oh, I’m alert. I think you are too.” I glanced down to the growing bulge in his pants, and he chuckled.

“Yeah, you move me.” He turned toward me and cupped my face, stroking my cheeks with his thumb. “I am trying to use some restraint, and you don’t understand how hard it is.”

“I guess I just want something else to think about. Something good. It’s good being with you.”

“After Austin calls, then I’ll be a bit more relaxed.” He was worried about Star, and it was understandable. She’s been gone for some time, and now having to leave like this with his friend to find safety—I felt the guilt creeping in again.


He turned and lay back stretching his feet out on an ottoman. “Here, come lay down and get some rest, you can keep me warm.” I closed my eyes, and before I knew it, his phone was vibrating on his knee beside me.

He shifted, and I sat up beside him. “It’s Austin.” I wondered how much time had passed, so I walked over to the window and pulled aside the curtain. The storm continued to rage outside and the daylight was fading.

“Come away from there.” I turned to see that Chance was not happy that I was standing near the window. “It’s not safe, Dream.” He took my hand and pulled me down to sit by him, snuggling me closer. “Cynthia and Star are in a safe place. He’s going to call and make sure we’re okay later. He said the storm is already really bad up where he’s at. I thought I might go and fix us something to eat. Are you hungry?”

“I’m too nervous.”

“You should try and eat anyway. You need your strength in a survival situation. We don’t know what will happen, plus it will warm you up.”

“You sure we’re going to be okay up here?” I asked, looking around. There was no one near us for at least two miles, and the with storm, no one could get to us if we needed help.

“Come with me.” He pulled me to my feet once I took his hand, and then he led me down to the cellar.

I was hesitant to go down at first, remembering what had happened in my own basement, but then he took my hand. “It’s okay. Come on and see what I’ve done with the place.” He walked in and turned as I took it all in with wide eyes. “There’s food in here; guns and ammo.” The room was lined with cases that contained every kind of gun imaginable and other weapons as well. On one end, there was a kitchenette and in the middle of the room was a large seating area with a big screen and even a bed in back.

“Damn, you ready for the end of the world or something?”

He let loose a chuckle. “No, just prepared. I collect the guns as a hobby. It’s the military in me I suppose. But I like knowing I’m always prepared. When you’ve been at war, and see how ugly the world can be, you can’t help but be prepared for the worst. Especially when you’ve been dealt my hand. I don’t want to be defenseless. It’s my biggest fear.”

