Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

“Like a good ass kisser should.” Rez added some kissing noises.

“Don’t worry, I made sure you won’t get in trouble,” Nox assured Johnson.

“For letting you in?”

“For keeping us out,” Nox corrected firmly.

Johnson didn’t even wait for the incoming call, instead he scribbled their names on the list along with the time of entry and lifted the tape for them to duck under.

“Nox has more razzle fucking dazzle than you, Fire Nuts,” Rez ribbed Finn.

“Well, it wouldn’t be fair if I hogged it all,” Finn exclaimed as they slipped past the crushed SUV and into the Demons’ clubhouse.

Inside, the building was teeming with crime scene investigators collecting evidence. A few bodies littered the floor.

Nox approached the closest person with a DEA windbreaker and a badge around her neck. “How you doing?” he greeted, jutting out his hand. “Officer Bradley Lennox.”

The woman shook it but her expression was cautious. “Agent Dickson. And to answer your question, I’d be much better if I wasn’t dealing with a messy Mafia hit.”

“I’m sure,” he murmured, then went on with, “Did you get a call from Agent Colin Crew?”

Her eyebrows knitted together. “Crew? No.”

Nox tipped his head to the side. “Aaah. He was supposed to call ahead and let the person in charge know we were coming.”

“That might be the problem since I’m not in charge.”

“Maybe you can help me, anyway. Senior Special Agent Crew was in charge of the Tri-State Feder⁠—”

The woman cut him off. “I’m aware. I know who he is.”

With the way her expression closed up, Nox wondered how well she knew Crew. He might be off the market now but between divorcing Sasha and hooking up with Cabrera, the Casanova had a hard time keeping his dick in his pants.

“We,” Nox hooked a thumb over his shoulder at Beavis and Butthead standing behind him, “all were members of that task force.” He then showed her his ID.

She took a quick glance at it before her gaze flicked to Rez and Finn and landed back on him. “Right. I was supposed to help serve warrants this morning.”

“Us, as well. But I guess the Russos had other plans for us.”

“I’d say,” she answered dryly. “That assignment would’ve been fun. This is not.”

“I heard no lie in that. Anyway, we had an FBI agent and a state trooper on our team undercover with the Demons. Their road names were Ghost and Kitten. Do you happen to know where they are?”

She glanced at the tablet she was using to take notes and pictures of the crime scene. “I don’t think we’ve run across either of them, yet.”

“Was anyone left breathing?”

“A couple of bikers were transported to the ER with gunshot wounds. One was critical, the other in serious condition.”

“You know who?”

She stared at him for a few seconds before checking her notes. “Their name patches said Ringo and Stitch.”

“Will they survive?”

She raised one of her eyebrows. “Do you care?”

“Not really. I’m more concerned with Trooper Shane Fletcher and Agent Nova Wilder.”

“Ghost and Kitten?”

“Yes,” Nox confirmed.

“Anyone alive and not injured was taken into custody,” she stated.

“Were they a part of that group?”

Dickson shrugged slightly. “Sorry, I don’t have that list.”

“Do you know where anyone arrested was taken?”

“I don’t have that info, either.”

“Can you check your list for couple of Demons named Saint or T-Bone?” Finn interjected, drawing her attention.

Nox did not miss her eyeing up his redheaded brother. “Were they undercover officers, too?”

“No, just dickheads,” Finn answered.

Dickson rolled her lips under for a second. “Let me see if I have anything on them.”

“I’d appreciate that.” Finn’s voice became unexpectedly husky.

What the fuck?

Nox glanced over his shoulder to see Finn had his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Jesus, the man was flirting to get the info they needed. He expected his BAMC brother to wink at the agent at any moment.

There was his fucking razzle dazzle.

Rez had his lips pinned together, most likely to keep from saying shit he shouldn’t and to avoid screwing up Finn’s eye-roll-worthy tactic.

When Dickson finally raised her gaze, she had a sparkle in her blue eyes as she looked beyond Nox to Finn. “No, I don’t see either of those names in my notes…”

She purposely left an opening and Finn didn’t disappoint her. He elbowed past Nox to get closer. “Daniel Finnegan, Agent Extraordinaire.”

Nox’s brain glitched and Rez had to quickly turn away.

“What agency?” Dickson asked him, her voice sounding a bit wispy.

Holy shit, who flirts at a crime scene surrounded by death and destruction?

“Peckers All-Male Revue,” Rez answered before Finn could.

This wasn’t going to end well. Nox decided to intervene since he was the only adult out of the three of them. “He’s an officer with the Southern Allegheny Regional PD. Like the rest of us, he was only sworn in as a federal agent to serve on the task force. As you see, that shit went to his head. All right, we’ll get out of your hair and take a look around.”

