Before This Ends Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 89224 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 446(@200wpm)___ 357(@250wpm)___ 297(@300wpm)

Finally having a fucking lead, we walk the strip, down one side and up the other, and talk to management at each location or ask to be contacted so we can get a list of people who play in their establishments. It takes fucking forever, but when I drop Martinez off at his car, I know he’s feeling as relieved as I am that we finally have something to go on.

As I pull out of the parking lot, I dial Emma’s number and listen to it ring.

“Hi, Daddy,” Win answers, and I smile.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“Miss Karen just left, so me and Emma are going to make dinner.”

“Did you have a good day at school?”

“Yep.” That single word pops, and I know it’s all I’m going to get out of her about it.

“Can I talk to Emma?”

She doesn’t answer, but the phone goes quiet.

“Hey,” Emma says softly. “I thought you would already be here.”

“Sorry, baby, we finally got a real lead on that case, so we were following up on it.”

“That’s a good thing, right?”

“Very,” I reply. “How was the apartment?”

“Not great.” She sighs, sounding disappointed while I feel relieved. “It’s a lot farther from the salon than I’d like to have to drive every morning.”


“It’s okay. April has another one for me to look at tomorrow.”

“Great,” I lie.

“Yeah, hopefully I’ll like it more than the last, because right now, Miranda’s place looks like a bomb went off in it.”

“You’ll find something,” I mutter, then ask, “Do you need me to pick anything up before I get home?”

“No, I stopped at the store and got the stuff to make stuffed manicotti for dinner, and I picked up a few things we were running low on.”

“We’re going to have a talk about you paying for groceries, Em.”

“Oh no! The water is boiling! I have to go. I’ll see you when you get here.” She hangs up, and I grit my teeth at her dramatics.

I spend half the drive home trying to figure out how I can give her money without her throwing that shit back in my face. And the other half, I try to think of a way to convince her that she should wait on signing a lease for an apartment. I wouldn’t tell her to move in officially with Win and me now. She could wait until Miranda’s lease is up in a few months, to see where we are and if she’s comfortable taking that step. I know Win would be happy. She loves having her around, and I feel the same. But knowing she’s about ten steps behind me, I’m not sure how that conversation would go over.

When I walk through the door twenty minutes later, the smell of basil, tomatoes, and garlic greets me, along with the Kids Bop song Win is obsessed with this week.

“Hi, Dad!” Win calls over the music. I look at the island, where she and Emma are standing side by side with a glass dish between them, along with a bowl.

I remove my gun and place it on the top shelf, then pick Dolly up, who was frantically bouncing around my feet. Holding her in the crook of my arm, I walk to the kitchen and stop when I get to Win. Her hands are a mess with whatever cheese mixture is in the bowl, so I kiss her cheek, then touch my lips to the side of Emma’s mouth.

“It smells good.”

“Thanks. Do you want to start getting the salad together?”

“Sure.” I put Dolly down and wash my hands, then start cutting up shit for the salad as Win fills us in on her day at school, making us both laugh.

Standing here, a feeling I can’t describe wraps tight around my insides, making it difficult to take a breath as I take the two of them in. I look over at Emma and the smile on her face, then look at my daughter, who is giggling, and realize that for the first time in twenty-one years, I have a home. And even though Emma’s family’s story is heartbreaking, she’s been unknowingly giving all the good parts of it to Win and me.

“Are you okay?” Emma asks, tipping her head to the side and studying me, probably realizing I’ve gone quiet.


She gives me a soft smile, then focuses back on Winter.

Maybe she was right when she said I got caught up playing family with her. I just wonder if she’s realized there is nothing pretend about it.



Opening Win’s bedroom door, I walk across the dimly lit room and pick up the blanket she kicked onto the floor. Dolly lying in the crook of her lap opens one eye to watch me bend to kiss the top of Winter’s head but doesn’t move, even as I toss the blanket over the two of them. Leaving the room, I keep the door open an inch and head to the master, walking through to the bathroom where I hear the shower running.

